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Community Relations at Brookhaven

Community involvement allows the breadth of interests and values from across the community to be heard by decision makers in order to make the best possible decisions overall.  Community involvement also allows the people in the community to hold decision makers accountable for hearing their concerns and carefully considering them in the decision-making process.  

Community Involvement Plan (PDF) | Trouble opening this PDF file?

Policy Statement

It is Brookhaven National Laboratory’s policy to ensure that the ideas, interests and concerns of its stakeholders are considered in program planning and decision-making processes that affect the community or the general public. This policy is intended to bring a broad range of viewpoints and values into program planning and decision-making before decisions are imminent to enable the Laboratory to make informed decisions and to build mutual understanding between the Laboratory, its stakeholders and the general public. To effect this policy, Laboratory managers will:

  • Actively seek and consider public input regarding Laboratory decisions, which affect the community and the general public.
  • Inform the public in a timely manner, of key upcoming decisions, progress on ongoing activities, emerging technologies, and opportunities for economic diversity, which may impact the community and the general public.
  • Provide opportunities for the public to have input in an open, two-way exchange of information, knowledge and perspectives.
  • Take into consideration the views of regulators, stakeholders, and the general public in making decisions.
  • Provide a public account of decisions made and responses to public input regarding these decisions.
  • Provide reasonable access to relevant reports, records, and documents and seek to provide non-technical explanations on technical matters when requested by the community and the general public.

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sherry Johnson