Formed in 1998 to advise the Laboratory on selected issues, particularly environmental, safety, and health issues, the Community Advisory Council (CAC) consists of representatives from 27 local business, civic, education, employee, environment, and health organizations.

In October 2005, the Council received an Appreciation Award from the U.S. Department of Energy for its commitment, initiative, resolve, and wisdom in responding to the issues and needs of the community and the Laboratory.

The CAC sets its own agenda, brings forth issues important to the community, and works to provide consensus recommendations to Laboratory management.  Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Berkner Hall on the Brookhaven National Laboratory site. 

CAC meetings are open to the public and interested community members are encouraged to attend.  An opportunity for public comment is offered  at each meeting.  Applications for membership are always welcome.


Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.  Unless otherwise noted, they are held in Berkner Hall, begin at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public. 


  • Affiliated Brookhaven Civic Organizations, Don Garber
  • Brookhaven Retired Employee Association, Graham Campbell
  • Brookhaven Senior Citizens, Jim Heil
  • Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Adrienne Esposito
  • Community Health and Environment Coalition, Sarah Anker
  • East Yaphank Civic Association, Michael Giacomaro
  • Educator, Adam Martin
  • Environmental Economic Roundtable, George Proios
  • Friends of Brookhaven, Ed Kaplan
  • Health Care, Jane Corrarino
  • Huntington Breast Cancer Coalition, Mary Joan Shea
  • Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Scott Krsnak
  • Lake Panamoka Civic Association, Rita Biss
  • Long Island Association
  • Long Island Pine Barrens Society, Richard Amper
  • Long Island Progressive Coalition, David Sprintzen
  • Longwood Alliance, Thomas Talbot
  • Longwood Central School District, Barbara Henigin
  • Neighbors Expecting Accountability and Remediation, Jean Mannhaupt
  • Peconic River Sportsman's Club, John Hall
  • Ridge Civic Association, Pat Henagan
  • Science and Technology, Iqbal Chaudhry
  • Suffolk County Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services, Joe Williams
  • Town of Brookhaven, Anthony Graves
  • Town of Riverhead, Robert Conklin
  • User Executive Committee, Jean Jordan-Sweet
  • Wading River Civic Association, Helga Guthy

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sherry Johnson