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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

Diabetic Audit Measures Demographics, vitals,exams,labs,IZs,procedures,meds,education

Text Description is below the image.

  • DM Registry: total, gender, age, type I or II, duration of dx
  • BMI
  • HgbA1C
  • Mean Blood Pressure
  • Tobacco Use
  • DM Treatment:
  • diet/exercise
  • insulin
  • oral med,
  • combination oral med, combination insulin+oral
  • Anti platelet therapy
  • Ace inhibitor or ARB use
  • Lipid Lowering Agent
  • Annual Foot exam
  • Annual Eye exam
  • Annual Dental exam
  • Immunizations: annual flu, pneumovax, Td
  • Urinalysis: microalbuminuria screen, if neg proteinuria screen
  • Serum Creatinine
  • Lipid Tests: Total Chol, HDL, LDL, TG
  • EKG
  • TB status
  • Diabetes Education
  • Depression Screen

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