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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

Indian Health Service GPRA indicators

Text Description is below the image.

  • Diabetes indicators
    • Prevalence documented A1c
    • Poor Glycemic control
    • Ideal Glycemic control
    • Blood Pressure Control
    • Dyslipidemia Assessment
    • Nephropathy Assessment
    • Retinopathy Exam
  • Immunizations
    • Influenza
    • Pneumococcal vaccine
    • Childhood (19-35 months)
  • Dental indicators
    • Fluoride
    • General Access
    • Sealants
  • Prevention
    • Cancer Screening
      • Cervical (Pap Smear)
      • Breast (Mammogram)
      • Colorectal
    • Fetal Alchohol Syndrome Prevention
    • Domestic/Intimate Partner violence screening
    • Childhood weight control
    • Tobacco Cessation Intervention
    • Depression Screening
    • Prenatal HIV Screening
    • CVD Prevention
      • Cholesterol Screening

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