Energy Requirements for the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Relation to Sex, Age, and Reproductive Status.
Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego, CA. RDT and E Div.

ProductType: N/A
NTIS Order Number: AD-A292 879/4

Media Count: N/A
Date: 1994
Author: M. Reddy T. Kamolnick C. Curry D. Skaar S. Ridgway

Calorie consumption, measured in weight of consumed food converted to kilocalories (kcal), was tracked for 16 bottle-nose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in different stages of growth and reproductive status to determine their caloric requirements. The inta ...

Report Number: N/A
Contract Number: N/A
Project Number: MM40
Grant Number: N/A
Task Number: N/A
NTIS announcement issue: 9521

"N/A" indicates no data is available for this field.