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Regional Definitions

The following terms are specific to the regional programs. BEA also has a main glossary of terms. Please click on a term for its definition and related information. Press a letter of the alphabet to jump to the list of terms beginning with that letter.



Accommodation and food services
Adjustment for a component of state government payrolls
Adjustment for industry nonclassification
Adjustment for residence
Adjustment for statewide reporting
Adjustment, misreporting
Adjustments for elements that are excluded from the ES-202 data (income)
Adjustments to government series, geographic
Administrative and support services
Administrative and waste services
Agricultural services
Agricultural services, forestry, fishing and other
Agriculture and forestry support activities
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
Air transportation
Alaska permanent fund benefits
All other production expenses
Allocation procedures
Allocation, dual
Alternative measures of household income
Ambulatory health care services
Amusement and recreation services
Amusement, gambling, and recreation
Annual rates
Apparel and accessory stores
Apparel and other textile products
Apparel manufacturing
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
Automotive dealers and service stations
Automotive repair, services, and parking
Average earnings per job (dollars)
Average nonfarm proprietors' income
Average wage and salary disbursements
Average wage per job

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BEA economic areas
BEA Regional Facts (BEARFACTS)
BEA regions
Benefits payments, veterans'
Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
Broadcasting and telecommunications
Broadcasting, except Internet
Building material and garden supply stores
Building materials and garden equipment
Bureau of Indian Affairs benefits
Business serv. and other serv.
Business services

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Capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj)
Cash receipts from marketings ($000)
Cash receipts: crops
Cash receipts: livestock and products
Cattle and calves
CD-ROM information and downloads
Chain-type Quantity Indexes
Chemical manufacturing
Chemicals and allied products
Clothing and clothing accessories stores
Coal mining
Combined real estate, insurance, etc.
Combined statistical area
Compensation of Employees (millions of current dollars)
Compensation of employees, received
Compensation of survivors of public safety officers
Compensation of victims of crime
Components of personal income
Comprehensive revisions survey articles
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
Computer systems design and related services
Construction of buildings
Corporate farms
County employment
Couriers and messengers
Credit intermediation and related activities
Crop and animal production (Farms)
Current dollars
Current transfer receipts of individuals from businesses
Current transfer receipts of individuals from governments
Current transfer receipts of nonprofit institutions
Current-dollar GDP by state
Current-dollar GSP

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Dairy products
Depository and nondepository institutions
Depository institutions
Disaster Relief Fund
Disclosure avoidance procedures
Disposable per capita personal income
Disposable personal income
Dividends, interest, and rent
Dual allocation
Durable goods
Durable goods manufacturing

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Earnings by place of work
Earnings by place of work ($000)
Earnings, farm
Earnings, net by place of residence
Earnings, net labor
Earnings, nonfarm
Eating and drinking places
Economic areas, BEA
Education and health services
Educational services
Electric, gas, and sanitary services
Electrical equipment and appliance manufacturing
Electronic and other electric equipment
Electronic equip. and instr.
Electronics and appliance stores
Employee and self-employed contributions for government social insurance
Employee Compensation
Employer contributions for employee pension and insurance funds
Employer contributions for government social insurance
Employment in industries covered by the UI programs
Employment not covered by the UI programs
Employment, county
Employment, measure of
Employment, nonfarm
Employment, proprietors
Engineering and management services
equals: Disposable personal income
equals: Net earnings by place of residence
Extrapolation and interpolation

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Fabricated metal product manufacturing
Fabricated metal products
Family assistance
Farm compensation
Farm earnings
Farm employment
Farm Income
Farm proprietors employment
Farm proprietors' income
Farm wage and salary disbursements
Farm wage and salary employment
Federal civilian
Federal education and training assistance
Federal educational exchange benefits
Federal fellowship benefits
Federal government
Federal military
Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation and related services
Federal, civilian
Feed purchased
Fertilizer and lime (incl. ag. chemicals 1978-fwd.)
Fiduciary income tax
Finance and insurance
Finance, insurance, and real estate
Financial activities
Fishing, hunting, and trapping
Food and beverage stores
Food and kindred products
Food manufacturing
Food product manufacturing
Food services and drinking places
Food stamps
Food stores
Forest and maple products
Forestry and logging
Forestry, fishing, and other
Forestry, fishing, and related activities
Forestry, fishing, related activities, and other
Fruits and nuts
Full-time jobs
Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles
Furniture and fixtures
Furniture and home furnishings stores
Furniture and related product manufacturing

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Gasoline stations
GDP by Metropolitan Area (millions of current dollars)
General building contractors
General merchandise stores
Geographic adjustments to government series
Geographic areas
Government and government enterprises
Government earnings
Government employment
Government payments
Greenhouse, nursery and mushroom products
Gross domestic product (GDP) by state
Gross domestic product (GDP) by state, real-chained dollar
Gross domestic product by state (millions of current dollars)
Gross Operating Surplus (millions of current dollars)
Gross state product (GSP)

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Hay, silage, etc
Health and personal care stores
Health care and social assistance
Health services
Heavy and civil engineering construction
Heavy construction contractors
Higher education student assistance
Hired farm labor expenses
Hogs and pigs
Holding and other investment offices
Home furniture and furnishings stores
Hospitals and nursing and residential care facilities
Hotels and other lodging places

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Imputed and miscellaneous income received
Imputed interest
Imputed rent
Income maintenance
Income maintenance benefits
Income of persons, rental
Income taxes
Income taxes (gross)
Income taxes (net of refunds)
Income, farm
Income, nonfarm personal
Income, other labor
Income, per capita personal
Income, personal
Income, proprietors'
Individual income taxes
Individual income taxes (gross)
Individual income taxes (net of refunds)
Industrial machinery and equipment
Inflows of earnings
Information and data processing services
Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)
Instruments and related products
Insurance agents, brokers, and services
Insurance carriers
Insurance carriers and related activities
Interest payments on guaranteed student loans
Interest, rent and dividends
Internet publishing and broadcasting
Interpolation and extrapolation
Inventory valuation adjustment (IVA)
ISPs, search portals, and data processing

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Japanese interns redress benefits
Job corps benefits
Journey to work

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Leather and allied product manufacturing
Leather and leather products
Legal services
Leisure and hospitality
less: Contributions for government social insurance
less: Net income of corporate farms
less: Personal current taxes
less: Refunds
less: Total production expenses
Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets
Livestock purchased
Local and interurban passenger transit
Local government
Local governments
Lumber and wood products

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Machinery manufacturing
Management of companies and enterprises
Measure of employment
Meat animals and other livestock
Medical benefits
Medical vendor payments
Medicare benefits
Membership associations and organizations
Membership organizations
Metal mining
Metropolitan areas
Metropolitan division
Metropolitan statistical area
Metropolitan statistical area component county list (MSAs)
Micropolitan statistical area
Military earnings
Military employment
Military medical insurance benefits
Mining (except oil and gas)
Mining, except oil and gas
Miscellaneous manufacturing
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
Miscellaneous repair services
Miscellaneous retail
Miscellaneous services
Miscellaneous store retailers
Misreporting adjustment
Monetary authorities - central bank
Monetary interest
Monetary rent
Motion picture and sound recording industries
Motion pictures
Motor vehicle and parts dealers
Motor vehicle licenses
Motor vehicle, body, trailer, and parts manufacturing
Motor vehicles and equipment
Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts manufacturing
Multipliers, regional economic
Museums, botanical, zoological gardens
Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks

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Natural resources and mining
Net earnings
Net earnings by place of residence
Net income of corporate farms
Net labor earnings
News releases
Nondepository institutions
Nondurable goods
Nondurable goods manufacturing
Nonfarm compensation
Nonfarm earnings
Nonfarm employment
Nonfarm personal income
Nonfarm proprietors employment
Nonfarm proprietors' income
Nonfarm wage and salary disbursements
Nonfarm wage and salary employment
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels
Nonprofit institutions, payments to
Nonstore retailers
Number of farm proprietors
Number of nonfarm proprietors
Number of proprietors
Nursing and residential care facilities

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OASDI benefits
Oil and gas extraction
Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) benefits
Other assistance to veterans
Other crops
Other finance, insurance, and real estate
Other government retirement and disability insurance benefits
Other grains
Other income
Other income maintenance benefits
Other information services
Other labor income
Other professional, scientific and technical services
Other services
Other services, except government
Other services, except public administration
Other taxes
Other transfer receipts of individuals from governments
Other transportation
Other transportation and support activities
Other transportation equipment
Other transportation equipment manufacturing
Other unemployment compensation
Other veterans benefits
Outflows of earnings

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Paper and allied products
Paper manufacturing
Part-time jobs
Payments, retirement and disability
Payments, transfer
Payments, unemployment insurance
Per capita disposable pers. income (dollars)
Per capita disposable personal income
Per capita disposable personal income (dollars)
Per capita dividends
Per capita dividends, interest, and rent
Per capita income maintenance
Per capita interest
Per capita net earnings
Per capita personal current transfer receipts
Per capita personal income
Per capita personal income (dollars)
Per capita personal income rankings
Per capita personal income, percent change
Per capita personal Income, percent of US
Per capita real GDP by state (chained 2000 dollars)
Per capita rent
Per capita retirement and other
Per capita unemployment insurance benefits
Performing arts and spectator sports
Performing arts, museums, and related activities
Personal and laundry services
Personal contributions for government social insurance
Personal current taxes
Personal current transfer receipts
Personal current transfer receipts ($000)
Personal current transfer receipts excluding State U.I.
Personal dividend income
Personal income
Personal income ($000)
Personal income, nonfarm
Personal income, per capita
Personal income, percent change
Personal interest income
Personal services
Personal tax and nontax payments
Petroleum and coal products
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
Petroleum products purchased
Pipeline transportation
Pipelines, except natural gas
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
plus: Adjustment for residence
plus: Dividends, interest, and rent
plus: Farm supplements to wages and salaries
plus: Farm wages and perquisites
plus: Personal current transfer receipts
plus: Statistical adjustment
plus: Value of inventory change
Population (persons)
Poultry and poultry products
Primary metal industries
Primary metal manufacturing
Printing and publishing
Printing and related support activities
Private compensation
Private earnings
Private employment
Private goods-producing industries
Private households
Private industries
Private services-providing industries
Private wage and salary disbursements
Private wage and salary employment
Production expenses
Products, BEA
Professional and business services
Professional and technical services
Profiles, regional economic
Property-type Income
Property-Type Income (millions of current dollars)
Proprietors employment
Proprietors' income
Proprietors' income, farm
Proprietors' income, nonfarm
Public assistance medical care benefits
Publishing including software
Publishing industries, except Internet

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Quantity Indexes for Real GDP by Metropolitan Area (2001=100.000)
Quantity Indexes for Real GDP by State (2000=100.000)
Quantity Indexes for Real GSP (2000=100.0)

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Radiation exposure payments
Rail transportation
Railroad retirement and disability benefits
Railroad transportation
Rates, annual
Real chained-dollar GDP by state
Real Chained-dollar GSP
Real estate
Real estate and rental and leasing
Real GDP by Metropolitan Area (millions of chained 2001 dollars)
Real GDP by state (millions of chained 2000 dollars)
Real GSP (millions of chained 2000 dollars)
Realized net income
Receipts from businesses
Receipts from state and local governments
Receipts from the Federal government
Redwood park benefit payments
Regional economic multipliers
Regional economic profiles
Regional input-output modelling system
Release schedule
Rent, dividends and interest
Rental and leasing services
Rental and leasing services and lessors of intangible assets
Rental income of persons
Rental income of persons with capital consumption adjustment
Repair and maintenance
Residence adjustment
Retail trade
Retirement and disability insurance benefits
Retirement and disability payments
Retirement and other
Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products

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Scenic and sightseeing transportation
Seasonal adjustment
Sectors and legal form of organization
Securities, commodity contracts, investments
Security and commodity brokers
Seed purchased
Sheep and other livestock
Social assistance
Social insurance, personal contributions
Social services
Sole proprietorship
Special trade contractors
Specialty trade contractors
Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
State and local
State and local personal property taxes
State government
State governments
State unemployment insurance benefits
State unemployment insurance compensation
Statistical adjustment
Stone, clay, and glass products
Student loans, interest payments on
Subsidies (millions of current dollars)
Supplemental security income (SSI) benefits
Supplements to wages and salaries
Support activities for mining
Support activities for transportation
Survey of Current Business

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Tax-exempt cooperative
Taxes on Production and Imports
Taxes on production and imports (millions of current dollars)
Taxes on Production and Imports less Subsidies (millions of current dollars
Textile and textile product mills
Textile mill products
Textile mills
Textile product mills
Tobacco products
Total average compensation per job (dollars)
Total cash receipts and other income
Total cash receipts from marketings ($000)
Total earnings
Total employment
Total farm labor and proprietors' income
Total full-time and part-time employment
Total grains
Total Gross Domestic Product by Metropolitan Area
Total gross domestic product by state
Total gross state product
Total net farm proprietors' income
Total net income including corporate farms
Total personal current transfer receipts
Total personal Income
Total production expenses
Total value of inventory change
Total wage and salary disbursements
Trade adjustment allowances
Transfer payments
Transit and ground passenger transportation
Transportation and public utilities
Transportation and utilities
Transportation and warehousing
Transportation and warehousing, excluding Postal Service
Transportation by air
Transportation equipment
Transportation services
Truck transportation
Trucking and warehousing

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UI programs, employment in industries covered by
Unemployment compensation for Fed. civilian employees (UCFE)
Unemployment compensation for railroad employees
Unemployment compensation for veterans (UCX)
Unemployment insurance compensation

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Value of inventory change
Value of inventory change: crops
Value of inventory change: livestock
Value of inventory change: materials and supplies
Veterans benefits
Veterans life insurance benefits
Veterans pension and disability benefits
Veterans pensions and compensation payments
Veterans readjustment benefits

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Wage and salary disbursements
Wage and salary disbursements by place of work
Wage and salary employment
Wage and salary employment by place of work
Wage and salary jobs
Wages and salaries for the military services
Warehousing and storage
Waste management and remediation services
Water transportation
Wholesale and retail trade
Wholesale trade
Wood product manufacturing
Workers' compensation

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Last updated: Friday, December 29, 2006