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Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology
Activities, Fiscal Year 2004

Reports and Statements

2004 Annual Report of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology (January 2005) pdf logo

Copies of all reports are available from the Executive Director of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1000.

Quarterly Business Meetings

Meeting Dates

  • December 9-10, 2003
  • March 16-17, 2004
  • June 8-9, 2004
  • September 13-14, 2004 (Boulder)

Principal Meeting Topics

  • NIST Program Update (12/03, 3/04, 6/04)
  • Safety at NIST (12/03)
  • People Update (12/03)
  • ATP Update (12/03)
  • Overview and Discussion of Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) & Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Policy Roles, Practices, and Perspectives on NIST Programs (12/03)
  • Implementation of NIST 2010 Strategic Plan and Introduction to Roundtable Discussion (12/03)
  • Facilities Update (3/04)
  • NIST Administrative Efficiency and Effectiveness (3/04)
  • Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program (MEP) Update (3/04)
  • Revision of NIST 2010 Strategic Plan (6/04)
  • Implementation of NIST Strategic Plan (6/04)
  • Baldrige National Quality Program Update (6/04)
  • Impact of Baldrige on SSM Health Care (6/04)
  • Communicating the Value of NIST - Near-Term Focus on Outreach Strategies and Options and Issues for an Independent Commission to Assess NIST's Roles and Contributions to the Economy (6/04)
  • NIST's Performance Evaluation System (9/04)
  • NRC's FY04-05 Biennial Assessment Process of NIST Labs (9/04)
  • Panel Discussion on the Management of Organizations with Remote Sites in the U.S. (9/04)
  • Studies to Improve Firs Responder Communications (9/04)
  • NIST Response to VCAT Recommendations (9/04)

Laboratory Tours and Presentations

  • Nanoscale Physics Facility (12/03)
  • Microscale Analytical Laboratory (12/03)
  • Advanced Measurement Laboratory (AML) Tours (3/04)
  • Laboratory Tours of Biosystems and Health Projects (6/04)
  • Laboratory Tours - Measurement Science and Biosystems and Health (9/04)

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