U.S. Dept Commerce/NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC/Publications

NOAA-NWFSC Tech Memo-1: Bioindicators of Contaminant Exposure in Winter Flounder

Figure 3. Mean biliary FAC levels (ng/g bile) in winter at sampling sites along the northeast coast of the United States. Numbers of animals collected per site are given in parentheses. Asterisk (*) indicates value is significantly higher (ANOVA, Fisher's LSD multiple range test, p<0.05) than value at the Niantic Bay reference site.

Figure 5. Mean level of xenobiotic-DNA adducts in liver of winter flounder from sampling sites along the northeast coast of the United States. Numbers of animals collected per site are in parentheses. Asterisk (*) indicates value is significantly higher (ANOVA, Fisher's LSD multiple range test, p<0.05) than value at the Niantic Bay reference site.

Figure 6. Mean hepatic AHH activity (pmol/mg/min) in winter flounder from sampling sites along the northeast coast of the United States. Numbers of animals collected per site are in parentheses. Asterisk (*) indicates value is significantly higher AHH activity (ANOVA, Fisher's LSD multiple range test, p<0.05) than the Niantic Bay reference site.