USDA Economic Research Service Data Sets
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Data Sets

China Agricultural and Economic Data



The ERS China agricultural and economic database is a collection of agricultural-related data from official statistical publications of the People's Republic of China.

Data Items. There are 250 data items available at the national level, and 45 crop, livestock, agricultural output, and population items available at the provincial level.

Years. Data are annual. Years available vary from item to item. Many national data series are from 1949 to the latest year, but some items are available only for selected years. Users should be aware that data collection methods in China have changed over time.


National data National Level Data
Choose from 250 series, including crop and livestock production, input use, macroeconomic data, industrial output, price indexes, and food consumption.
Updated March 2008

Provincial data Provincial Level Data
Choose from 45 series, including crop and livestock production, agricultural output, cropland, and population.
Updated March 2008

The May 2008 release of the China Statistical Abstract (Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao) by China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) contains important preliminary revisions of 2006 agricultural statistics and the first release of many 2007 statistics. These statistics are preliminary. Final figures will be released in the China Statistical Yearbook and Rural Statistical Yearbook later in 2008.

NBS made revisions to many of its agricultural statistics based on results from its second agricultural census conducted in 2007. The census measured gross income, crop area, use of inputs, and labor use for 2006, and animal inventories and fixed assets as of December 31, 2006. A series of communiqué documents with initial census results are available from the China National Bureau of Statistics. No explanation of the revisions has been released by NBS. The largest changes were downward revisions in output of meat and aquatic products and animal inventories. Cotton production and area were revised upward.

The ERS China Agricultural Economic Data database contains statistics that were released in 2007. Some of the 2006 data in the database have been revised by NBS. Revised 2006 figures, the 2006 figures contained in the database, preliminary 2007 figures are available in Comparison of China Agricultural Statistics released in 2008 Statistical Abstract and numbers previously released in 2007 yearbook.Excel file

Related Links

Archived ERS China Data—A comprehensive collection of national and provincial statistical series available from 1949 to the mid-1990s.

ERS China Briefing Room—Description of China's agricultural economy, policy, and trade and an extensive list of ERS publications on China.

For background on China statistics issues, see:

China National Bureau of Statistics—Official website of China's official statistical agency. Annual, monthly, and quarterly data are available.

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For more information, contact: Fred Gale

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Updated date: July 8, 2008