Mail Services

The BNL Mail Room handles all official U.S. (domestic and foreign) and intra-Laboratory mail as well as facsimiles, telex and cable transmission that supports the business operations of BNL and the Brookhaven Area Office of the Department of Energy.  The BNL Mail Room and the Upton Branch of the U.S. Post Office are located in Building 179.  

Location: Hours of Operation:
Building 179, 2 Center Street Monday - Friday:  8:30am to 5:00pm
Telephone: (631) 344-2534 Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Fax: (631) 344-3000 Laboratory Holidays: Closed

Mail Delivery

Intra-Office mail is for official business use only.

Mail will only be delivered to onsite, authorized mail stops. Requests for the establishment of additional authorized mail stops must be made in writing by a Department/Division Head, to the Manager of Staff Services Division.

The Mail Room personnel should be made aware of mail that is delivered to the incorrect mail stop.  Department/Division administrators should send a memo to the Senior Communications Clerk, ext. 2534, Bldg. 179 requesting the mail stop be changed. 

Mail Operation

The mailroom is responsible for affixing postage to official mail only and may inspect any mail represented as official business. Outgoing personal mail having postage affixed will be deposited in the U.S. Post Office. All employees are requested to have personal mail addressed to them at their homes and not at the Laboratory.  The Laboratory reserves the right to refuse to accept either advertising matter or personal mail addressed to employees at the Laboratory unless they reside on-site.

The Laboratory address is the home address for on-site residents only

The U.S. Post Office in Building 179 has Post Office Boxes for rent to individuals and contractors desiring to receive mail at the Upton Post Office.

Official Laboratory U.S. mail will be forwarded by the least expensive appropriate class of mail unless designated otherwise by the sender.  Postage of $15 or more on a single piece or $50 for volume mailing of multiple pieces, and all Express Mail require an ILR approving the expense and indicating the account to be charged.  Call ext. 2534 for information on the most economic choice of class for mail service.

All official Laboratory mail must show the sender's name or office in the return address.  Failure to do so may necessitate opening mail when some question arises on class of mail or when an ILR is required for the postage.  Intra-Laboratory mail must show the sender's name or office on the surface containing the addressee's name.  The Mail Room Supervisor has authority to open and inspect any mail represented as official business to determine consistency with Laboratory procedure.  Mail, which does not confirm to Laboratory procedure, may be discarded if the sender is not identified.

Printed matter may be mailed through the mailroom since it is not considered tangible property.

Special Mailing Distribution Lists

Special mailing distribution lists -- to be used repeatedly over long periods of time -- may be established by written request to the Senior Communications Clerk, at

It is important to notify the Senior Communications Clerk of all changes to the Mailing Distribution Lists.

Assignments to all other Standard Distribution Lists are made automatically according to each employee's personnel code.

Deletions resulting from terminations are effected automatically.

The Mail Room maintains an automatic addressing system for the following Standard Distribution Lists:

  • Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors.
  • All employees having (senior) line supervisory responsibilities who are not included in Lists - (Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors), (First line supervisors plus those employees with equivalent line supervisory responsibilities), (Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities).
  • First line supervisors plus those employees with equivalent line supervisory responsibilities.
  • Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities.
  • Senior Scientists, Scientists, Associate Scientists, Assistant Scientists.
  • Post-Doctoral Research Associates.
  • Architects, (Scientific) Associates, (Functional) Engineers, Spectrographers, Computer Science Analysts.
  • All BNL Regular Employees.
  • Departmental Administrators, Executive Administrators and other directly concerned with letters, mail, office practices, etc.
  • All Monthly Employees.
  • All BNL Temporary and Part Time Employees.

NOTE: Any distribution made to the Standard Distribution List - (First line supervisors plus those employees with equivalent line supervisory responsibilities) will automatically be sent to the following Standard Distribution Lists: 

Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors. 

All employees having (senior) line supervisory responsibilities who are not included in Lists - (Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors),
(First line supervisors plus those employees with equivalent line supervisory responsibilities), (Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities).

Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities.

 NOTE: Any distribution made to the Standard Distribution List - All employees having (senior) line supervisory responsibilities who are not included in Lists - (Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors), (First line supervisors plus those employees with equivalent line supervisory responsibilities), (Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities)  will automatically be sent to the following Standard Distribution Lists:

Director's Office; Department Chairs and Division Managers and their Deputies, Associate, Assistant and Acting Chairs; Division and major Section Heads in the Departments and Divisions; BSA Board of Directors.

Departmental & Divisional Administrators, their Assistants, and others with equivalent responsibilities.


Transmittal of Classified Documents

Classified documents must be transmitted in accordance with instructions in Classified Information Safeguards & Security website.  Unclassified published material may be transmitted directly through the mailroom.

Authority for Distribution

The Manager of the Staff Services Division or the Director's Office must approve any request for widespread distribution of non-routine information outside the originator's Department/Division.


For additional information, you may contact the Senior Communications Clerk on ext. 2534.


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Last Modified: February 4, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Staff Services