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Visitors to the Hatfield Marine Science Center find many options for learning more about the ocean and coast. Sea Grant's marine education team designs programs and exhibits to make the learning interesting and fun.

Sea Grant education programs
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Marine education

The Extension marine education team focuses on serving the educational needs of visitors to the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, including:

The team also works closely with Sea Grant's other educational efforts, including the Free-Choice Learning initiative and programs to support undergraduate and graduate students pursuing marine resource careers via Sea Grant fellowships, the OSU Marine Resource Management Program and an associate degree program in aquarium science at Central Coast Community College.

Team members:

Extension faculty:

Bill Hanshumaker
Bill Hanshumaker
Marine public educator
Contact information

Bill Hanshumaker is responsible for many of the exhibits and events at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, where he not only designs exhibit material, but also uses it to study how people learn in an aquarium-science center setting. He also serves as an educational consultant to researchers at the HMSC and at OSU, and to state and federal agencies interested in developing interpretive materials to explain science to the public. And he conducts hands-on workshops in topics ranging from marine animal dissection to fossil identification for HMSC visitors, classes and special events.

Projects and areas of interest include: "Sounds from the Southern Ocean 2006," blogging an Antarctic research voyage. "Sounds from the Southern Ocean" NOAA research voyage (2005); marine science educational programs.

Michael Harte
Michael Harte
Sea Grant Extension climate change specialist
Contact information
Web site

Michael Harte, director of the Marine Resource Management program at OSU's College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science, has joined the Sea Grant Extension team, working principally in his specialty: climate change

Projects and areas of interest include: Climate change and the oceans. Current Sea Grant research: Market-based environmental standards for sustainable fisheries

Tim Miller-Morgan
Tim Miller-Morgan
DVM/Aquatic ornamentals
Web page
Contact information

Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan's primary focus is on providing educational programming and service to the aquarium industry in Oregon and beyond, to help wholesalers, retailers, and hobbyists succeed in the rearing, husbandry, and health care of ornamental aquatic animals in the aquarium or pond environment. He led the development of a new two-year Aquarium Science degree and one-year certification program at Central Coast Community College, and travels widely to educate aquatic pet owners, breeders, importers, and retailers about the proper care and handling of ornamental fish.

Projects and areas of interest include: Ornamental Fish Health, OSU Pond School
Current Sea Grant research: Modeling of shipping-related stress in marine ornamental fish.

Shawn Rowe
Shawn Rowe
Extension marine education specialist
Contact information
Web site

Shawn Rowe focuses on studying how people learn beyond the school environment. Shawn holds a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis ; along with Dr. Olga Rowe, he has carried out research in history and science museums both in the US and in Ukraine. His Sea Grant Extension position combines academic work on free-choice learning with practice-based research in the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center. He also works closely with graduate students in the new Free-Choice Science Learning Ph.D., M. S., Environmental Science, and Marine Resource Management programs at OSU.

Projects and areas of interest include: Investigating how talk and activity work together to help people absorb and make sense of what they see in history and science museums; Free-Choice Learning

Additional team members

Maureen Collson, Marine education program support, Hatfield Marine Science Center

Joe Cone, Assistant director, Oregon Sea Grant (communications liaison)

Tracy Crews, Marine Education Coordinator

AnaMaria Esparza-Smith, Coordinator, Las OLAS (Spanish-language program), Hatfield Marine Science Center

Dennis Glaze, Aquatic animal health/husbandry specialist, Hatfield Marine Science Center

Catlin Goodwin, Quest Coordinator/Marine Educator

Julie Howard, Sea Grant Extension program assistant

Nancee Hunter, Sea Grant education director

Jay Rasmussen - Extension program leader

Becca Schiewe, Volunteer coordinator, Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center

Lynne Wright, Bookstore & visitor services manager, Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center

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Last updated: Oct. 29, 2008