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ATP Eligibility Criteria for Foreign-Owned, U.S.-Incorporated or U.S.-Organized Companies: Legislation, Implementation, and Results.
National Inst. of Standards and Technology (ATP), Gaithersburg, MD. Economic Assessment Office.

ProductType: Technical report
NTIS Order Number: PB2006-109100

Media Count: N/A
Date: Mar 2004
Author: C. K. N. Chang

The U.S. Advanced Technology Program (ATP) invests directly in the growth of the nations economy by cost sharing with industry in the development of highrisk enabling technologies that form the basis for new and improved products, manufacturing processes, ...

Report Number: NISTIR-6099A
Contract Number: N/A
Project Number: N/A
Grant Number: N/A
Task Number: N/A
NTIS announcement issue: 0613

"N/A" indicates no data is available for this field.