Oregon Business Leadership Network
Employers committed to the inclusion of qualified people with
disabilities in the competitive workplace and as consumers

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Welcome to the website of the
Oregon Business Leadership Network

The Oregon Business Leadership Network (OBLN) provides Oregon businesses with networking opportunities, education, and resources to effectively increase understanding and awareness of disability issues in the workplace. Find out more about us. Click Here

Oregon Business Plan Logo

The OBLN is pleased to have developed a strong and mutually supportive involvement with the Oregon Business Plan. Click  here
to see their 2008 Policy Playbook - be sure to see the
OBLN profile on page 24!

This Month's Featured Page from our Website:



“America’s People…
      America’s Talent…
          America’s Strength!”

America’s People… America’s Talent… America’s Strength!

Join Our 5-Minute Celebration!
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
We have pulled together a short list of amazing short videos and resources.  Just five minutes with any of these resources will give your internal discussion groups, diversity teams, managers, or any colleague a valued link to some of the year’s best thinking on disability employment from national and local resources.

Share this Link! http://www.obln.org/NDEAM08_5min.htm

USBLN Annual Conference and Career Fair  
October 5 - 8, 2008 ~ Portland, Oregon
Expanding Inclusion:  The Business Strategy


Watch These Great Online Videos

Look at my AbilityLook at my Ability - The OBLN's terrific new video on the untapped talents of Oregonians with disabilities!
View it Here
Lucy Baker - Comcast NewsMakersNEW!! Comcast NewsMakers Interviews OBLN Executive Director, Lucy Baker
Real Player or      Windows Media Player

From the SEPTEMBER 2008 issue of

Bullet  Salem's Personnel Source Connects with High Quality Job Seekers with Disabilities - read how OBLN's successful Live Resume event brought this staffing agency together with talented job seekers.

Bullet  OBLN Salem Chapter's "Live Resume" a Hit with Employers and Job Seekers - how OBLN recruits employers for Live Resume.

Bullet  Contact with Employers Boosts Job-Seekers' Self-Confidence - how OVRS recruits job seekers for Live Resume.

Bullet  Comcast NewsMakers interview with OBLN Executive Director, Lucy Baker - read highlights.

Bullet  Career Gateway - Connecting Employers to College Students with Disabilities - COSD

Bullet  ADA Amendments Act Signed into Law - Americans With Disabilities Act restored and strengthened by new legislation.

Bullet  USBLN Formalizes Partnership with Office of Disability Employment Policy

On The OBLN Calendar:

Bullet  October, 2008 - National Disability Employment Awareness Month - “America’s People… America’s Talent… America’s Strength!”

Bullet  October 5 - 8, 2008 - US Business Leadership Network 2008 National Conference - Portland, OR.

Bullet  October 15, 2008 Disability Mentoring Day

Bullet  October 21, 2008 “Making a Difference in Disability” Award to the OBLN. To be awarded by the Portland Mayor and City Council.

Bullet  October 22, 2008 - "CAN WE TALK?" Conversations about workplace experiences, as shared by persons with disabilities.

Bullet  October 22 & 23, 2008 - DBA Tradeshow (Differently-Abled Business Association)
Featuring the businesses of entrepreneurs with disabilities

Bullet  More on the OBLN Calendar of Events...

LEAD STORY: Salem's Personnel Source Connects with High Quality Job Seekers with Disabilities

Dean Craig
"The quality of candidates was really quite high... based on their qualifications and experience, I would have readily hired any of them whether they had a disability or not."

- Dean Craig, Branch Manager, Personnel Source, Salem

Laney Fouse, OBLN"Live Resume is a real and personal event for me... after acquiring a disability,  I thought I would never use  any of my experience again. Someone once told me that I was a lot of talent to let walk out the door. And, I know that is true for a lot of others who have disabilities."

- Laney Fouse, Program Coordinator, OBLN

"We welcomed the idea of creating a small and more intimate networking opportunity for them (job seekers with disabilities) with employers. For the businesses, it helps them to meet their diversity recruitment goals."

- Selaina Miller, Employer Program Coordinator, Oregon OVRS

Now In Our Store:

Music Within Facilitator Guide for Diversity and Disability
The Music WithinA training package developed to use with Music Within, the major motion picture about the life of Richard Pimentel, as a platform and springboard to attitudinal change. The training package can be an effective and enjoyable way to help audiences see people with disabilities in a new and more favorable light.
Sale Price $195.00 $175.00

Google Looking for something specific?
Search our Site by Keyword

World wide Web OBLN WEBSITE
Newest Additions to our Site:

Cover - HR MagazineThe Upcoming Labor Shortage

Businesses across North America are beginning to experience a shrinking pool of qualified job applicants. This labor shortage was predicted and we are only beginning to see its impact as the available labor force will continue to shrink. Happily, for proactive companies, people with disabilities represent a talented and largely untapped labor pool. Click Here to learn more

Visit our new eStore! 
Explore our selective collection of publications and videos that support the inclusion of
people with disabilities in the workforce.

Now available in our store!

Hidden TalentHidden Talent: How Leading Companies
Hire, Retain, and Benefit from People with Disabilities


Editor: Mark L. Lengnick-Hall

Based on a multi-year research project by a team of experts in human resource management, economics, and communications, Hidden Talent showcases the innovative practices of organizations that are actively hiring, training, and retaining people with disabilities--and thriving as a result. The authors reveal the roots of disability discrimination, and demonstrate the benefits, to employers and employees alike, of investing in disabled workers, featuring in-depth case examples.

Go to the OBLN's online Store for more details...



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Please bookmark our site - and plan to revisit us soon!


Oregon Health & Science Hospital. We value employees who demontrate DIVERSITY. Click here for jobs at OHSU.


Profile of Excellence
Project SEARCH logo
Project SEARCH


flexAbility Toolkit 2008
Free Guidebook for Oregon employers "flexAbility"
Click Here


OBLN on Comcast NewsMakers

Lucy Baker - Comcast NewsMakers
 Real Player or      Windows Media



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Great Video!
Look At My Ability
Look at my Ability
Click Here


Oregon Business Leadership Network
Business Case
for the Inclusion of people with disabilities in the competitive workplace
Click Here


OBLN / INCIGHT Internship Center
Internship Center
Click Here

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© Oregon Business Leadership Network, 2004 - 2008
Recruitment/Hiring/Retention/Return to Work/Accommodation/Cost Effective Strategies
image: circle, square, triangle
Lucy Baker, Executive Director, Email: lucy.baker@obln.org, Tel: (503) 281-1424
OBLN, 4134 N. Vancouver Ave., Suite 304, Portland, OR 97217