NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Projects at NERSC

Also see Past Projects at NERSC and NERSC Science and Technology Highlights.

DOE Special Programs

The Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program was created to bring together many of the nation's top researchers to develop new computational methods for tackling some of the most challenging scientific problems.
The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program provides computational support for a small number of computationally intensive large-scale research projects that make high-impact scientific advances.
SciDAC Outreach Center
The SciDAC Outreach Center is the central hub for SciDAC stakeholders to contribute to or benefit from resources within SciDAC. Education and outreach through tutorials and conferences are provided alongside services for software development, testing, and dissemination.

NERSC Internal Projects

Effective System Performance Test (ESP)
NERSC has proposed a benchmark test that measures Effective System Performance (ESP) in a real-world operational environment.
Sustained System Performance Test (SSP)
This benchmark is designed to answer the question, "What performance will this system deliver to our workload?"
SDSA -- Science Driven System Architecture
This new group investigates issues that contribute to optimal application and computer system performance for current extreme-scale systems and for future architectures using the NERSC workload as a basis.

Data Archives

The Gauge Connection
A repository of gauge configurations for lattice QCD.

Projects Hosted by NERSC

DOE ACTS Collection
The Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS) collection is a set of tools that make it easier for programmers to write high performance scientific applications for parallel computers.
Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis
The analysis of current and anticipated CMB datasets is a significant computational challenge.
PARAllel Total Energy Code (PARATEC)
PARATEC performs ab initio quantum-mechanical total energy calculations using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set.
Parallel total Energy (PEtot)
PEtot is a parallel plane wave pseudopotential program for atomistic total energy calculation based on density functional theory. It is designed for large system simulations to be run on parallel computers.
Search π
Search the first four billion binary digits of Pi for a string.
UPC Programming Language
Unified Parallel C (UPC) is an extension of the C programming language designed for high performance computing.

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