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Berkeley CSE

Multidisciplinary Research and Education
in Computational Science and Engineering

The Berkeley CSE Collaboration

UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab have recently established a much stronger presence in the field of CSE, primarily through enhanced support for collaborative research projects and development of the Designated Emphasis in CSE for PhD students in the application disciplines. The campus has longstanding top-ranked academic programs in computer science and applied/computational mathematics. Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences Directorate — including the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Computational Research Division (CRD) — offers both a world-class, scientifically productive supercomputing facility and broad expertise and innovation in computational science.

NERSC: NERSC at Berkeley Lab is one of the largest open and unclassified computing facilities for basic science in the country. Operating the NERSC Center has enabled Berkeley Lab to acquire unsurpassed expertise in providing comprehensive scientific support that enables researchers to make the most productive use of these resources.

NERSC currently supports more than 3,000 users nationally and internationally. Over 60% of the users are from universities. NERSC is known worldwide for the quality of its computing services, and its success is measured by the scientific productivity of its users, including more than 6,500 publications in refereed journals resulting from computations at NERSC over the last five years.

CRD: The Computational Research Division (CRD) at Berkeley Lab is home to about 150 researchers in applied mathematics, computer science, and computational sciences. CRD comprises four departments: the High Performance Computing Research Department, the Advanced Computing for Science Department, the Biological Data Management and Technology Center, and the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), a high-bandwidth network serving thousands of Department of Energy (DOE) scientists and collaborators worldwide.

CRD also manages several of DOE’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) application projects and enabling technology centers. SciDAC is the first federally funded program that aims at implementing the CSE vision of bringing together applications scientists with mathematicians and computer scientists to solve large computational science problems.

CITRIS: CITRIS is a multi-UC-campus research center headquartered at Berkeley. CITRIS helps to organize and support research that applies information technology solutions to pressing problems facing society and the economy, and builds teams to solve these problems consisting of faculty from multiple disciplines and researchers at national labs, industrial partners, and government agencies. This broad agenda has multiple and growing overlaps with CSE.

College of Engineering: Berkeley Engineering is a community that is dedicated to creating tomorrow's leaders and supporting today's pioneers. Students and researchers from around the world are drawn to Berkeley by its outstanding reputation, its internationally recognized faculty, and its strong tradition of impact in research and teaching.

Earlier Berkeley engineers brought water to California's great agricultural lands, pioneered the microelectronics that seeded Silicon Valley, and helped build the unbuildable in structures like Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. Today, Berkeley engineers in every field remain at the center of technological innovation worldwide.

College of Letters and Science: The intellectual heart UC Berkeley, the College of Letters and Science is the largest of the university’s 14 colleges and schools and the most prestigious teaching and research unit in the UC system. L&S encompasses more than half of the campus’s faculty, three-quarters of its undergraduate students, and half of its Ph.D. candidates.

The College takes students on the academic adventure of a lifetime by exposing them to a vibrant, broad-based liberal arts education at the highest level of excellence. Our students engage in dialogue with the world’s best teachers and its most distinguished researchers and scholars. Together they participate in projects at the forefront of science, solve pressing social problems, create art, explore diverse values and cultures, and seek answers to the biggest questions of our times.

College of Chemistry: The College of Chemistry comprises the Departments of Chemistry and of Chemical Engineering. Both disciplines provide the opportunity and means for meeting major scientific and technological challenges, such as addressing climate change, increasing the world's food supply, synthesizing new materials, and discovering and delivering important drugs.

The college prides itself on a balanced approach to science, with research areas ranging from experimental to theoretical. Faculty in both departments are engaged in teaching and research in a wide range of applications and subdisciplines.

Contact Information

Dr. Masoud Nikravesh
Executive Director of CSE
291 Hearst Memorial Mining Building
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 643-4522
Fax: (510) 642-1800

Dr. Horst Simon
Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road, MS 50B-4230
Berkeley, California 94720
(510) 486-7377
Fax: (510) 486-4300

Prof. James Demmel
Dr. Richard Carl Dehmel Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Former Chief Scientist of CITRIS
831 Evans Hall
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720
(510) 643-5386
Fax: (510) 642-3962