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A guide for Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Students interested in doing a practicum at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Berkeley Lab panoramic image

Introduction to LBNL

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has been a leader in science and engineering research for more than 70 years. Located on a 200 acre site in the hills above the Berkeley campus of the University of California, overlooking the San Francisco Bay, Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory managed by the University of California. It has an annual budget of nearly $480 million (FY2002) and employs a staff of about 4,300, including more than a thousand students.

Berkeley Lab conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines with key efforts in fundamental studies of the universe; quantitative biology; nanoscience; new energy systems and environmental solutions; and the use of integrated computing as a tool for discovery. It is organized into 17 scientific divisions and hosts five DOE national user facilities, including the flagship center for unclassified supercomputing, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). Details on Berkeley Lab’s divisions and user facilities can be viewed here.

CSGF Contacts at Berkeley Lab

Dan Martin, a mathematician and member of the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group in the Computational Research Division (and a CSGF alumnus), is the Lab's scientific liaison to the CSGF program and can provide specific information about research opportunities at LBNL. Dan can be contacted at

Jon Bashor, the communications manager for the Lab’s Computing Sciences organization, is the logistics contact for CSGF students. Jon can provide general information about the Bay Area, finding housing, getting around Berkeley and completing arrangements for a practicum. Jon can be reached at or 510-486-5849.

CSGF students at LBNL

Berkeley Lab is committed to providing meaningful practicum opportunities for CSGF students who want to work at LBNL. Here is a partial list of students who have recently spent their practica at the Lab. Abstracts of their research can be found here.


Julianne Chung
Peter Norgaard
Michael Sekora


Christopher Carey  
Kevin Kohlstedt
Etay Ziv



Jasmine Foo
Mala Radhakrishnan  
Amber Sallerson
William Triffo
Brandon Wood


Michael Wolf
Benjamin Lewis


Michael Barad
Kristen Grauman  
Michael Driscoll
Yan Karklin
Julian Mintseris
Greg Novak
Joshua Waterfall


Ahna Girshick
Mary Anne Leung


Catherine Grasso
Ben Keen
Heather Netzloff
Catherine Norman

Read more about CSGF students’ practica at LBNL

The 2004 group
The 2003 group
Mary Anne Leung, 2002
The 2001 group
2000 Summer meeting visit to LBNL

Practical information for getting started

Finding housing in the Bay Area: The San Francisco Bay Area has a reputation for expensive, hard-to-find housing. This is somewhat deserved, but the situation has improved in recent years. Most CSGF students have been able to find summer housing at a price they can afford. Here are some resources for finding a place to stay.

Berkeley Parents Network Housing Information
The International House in Berkeley
UC Berkeley Student Co-ops
MetroRent (commercial broker)
Berkeley Daily Planet newspaper

Arranging access to the Lab on your first day: Once you have found a sponsor at the Lab and agreed on a start date, contact the human resources staff in the division in which you will be working. Your sponsor can help you obtain the contact information. The HR staff will then make the necessary arrangements for site access, badge, orientation, etc.

Getting around Berkeley and the Bay Area: The San Francisco Bay Area has an extensive public transportation network, which links to the Lab’s shuttle buses. Here are links to help you find your way around the region.

Directions to Berkeley Lab
Overview of the Lab’s shuttle bus service
Bay Area Transit general info
BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)
AC Transit (East Bay buses)
Oakland International Airport
San Francisco International Airport