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Troubleshooting File Download Problems

If you are having trouble downloading a software file from our website, check this list for the symptoms you're experiencing, suggested causes, and solutions:

  1. If you can't establish a connection at all/cannot even start a download...

    • The best solution is to upgrade to a current version of a browser, such as Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, or Firefox. (See links to these browsers, at right.)
    • If a download from this site fails when you are using a current browser, then your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is likely the issue. You may want to contact your ISP for assistance.

  2. If you downloaded a file, but it doesn't install and run correctly...

    First, check to be sure that you have downloaded the correct installer for your operating system. For example, if you are using Microsoft Windows, check that you have downloaded an installer for Windows, not Macintosh.

    Second, the file may have been corrupted during the download. Try re-downloading it. Before you do so,

    • be sure that your browser is not set to automatically disconnect after a certain number of minutes of inactivity (e.g. Internet Explorer, under Connection Settings, be sure that "Disconnect if idle for __ minutes" is unchecked);

    • consider disabling your screen saver, to ensure that it does not interfere with the download.

    Windows 95/98: Check your Windows system for the CIH virus, which attacks installers during decompression. (Use the link in the upper right corner to download a free CIH Virus Checker from Symantec Corporation.) Make sure that your virus definitions file contains this virus.

    Windows 2000: On a Dell computer running Windows 2000 with Yamaha SoftSynthesizer, the hourglass may appear, but the program doesn't launch. The Yamaha SoftSynthesizer conflicts with any program made with FileMaker Pro (specifically, the Electronic ICS Forms and the ESI Viewer). To determine if you have a Yamaha SoftSynthesizer, go to your Windows Start menu, then to Settings, then to Control Panel, then to Add/Remove Programs. At the end of the list, see if you have any products listed under Yamaha. If you do, uninstall the Yamaha product and you will then be able to start the installer. For further information on this conflict, please search the FileMaker Knowledge Base (use the link at upper right) for "Yamaha".

  3. If you see the message, "Corrupt cabinet file," while you're downloading a file...

    • If you're using Web filtering software, uninstall it, then try the download again. If you can't download the file using your browser, please contact the OR&R Web Team for assistance (Use the e-mail link provided at right).

  4. If you see the message, "Corrupt cabinet file," while you're running a downloaded file...

    • This message is sometimes a sign of an incomplete or corrupted file download. Re-download the software and try again. If this doesn't work, check your Windows system for the CIH virus, which attacks installers during decompression. (Use the link in the upper right corner to download a free CIH Virus Checker from Symantec Corporation.) Make sure that your virus definitions file contains this virus.

  5. If you've tried the remedies we've suggested and nothing works...

    • Try clearing your cached Web pages:

      • In Internet Explorer, select View/Internet Options, then, under "Temporary Internet Files" click "Delete Files."

      • In Netscape, select Edit/Preferences, then, under the "Advanced" category, select "Cache" then click "Clear Memory Cache" and/or "Clear Disk Cache."

  6. Finally, if all else fails, and you can't download the file through another Internet connection...

    We can send you a CD containing copies of all our current software. The cost of this CD is $15. To place an order for a copy, call us at 206.526.6400 or fax us at 206.526.4442 (secure fax). You will need to provide:

    • your credit card account number and expiration date.
    • your name, as it appears on your card.
    • your daytime telephone and fax numbers.
    • your FedEx-accessible address.

    Address any questions about your order to our Photos and Orders Specialist (see e-mail link at upper right).

Resources from this Article

Use the folowing links to get the resources listed in this article:
Internet Explorer
[leaves OR&R site]
Netscape Browser
[leaves OR&R site]
[leaves OR&R site]
CIH Virus Checker
[leaves OR&R site]
FileMaker Knowledge Base
[leaves OR&R site]
Photos and Orders Specialist
Direct questions about your software order to our Photos and Orders Specialist.
OR&R Web Team
Please e-mail the OR&R Web Team if none of these suggestions help with your download/installation problem.
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