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2nd Conference of the Middle East and North Africa Newborn Screening Initiative: Partnerships for Sustainable Newborn Screening Infrastructure and Research Opportunities

April 12-14, 2008

Organizers: Primary organizers for this meeting are the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, the NICHD and other agencies at the NIH.

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Purpose: This regional conference on newborn screening will address a broad range of topics relevant to developing newborn screening systems and will provide an opportunity to exchange information and develop partnerships. It builds upon the work from the 2006 meeting Strengthening Newborn Screening in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The goals of this meeting are to:

  • Identify development and progress of newborn screening in the region as outlined in the internationally agreed upon recommendations of the Marrakech Declaration.
  • Present a summary of the results of the “Country Situation Analysis Survey.” This survey provides an inventory of the current newborn screening situation in the region and evaluates progress made since last meeting.
  • Identify solutions to practical problems faced when developing a newborn screening program and research infrastructure with particular emphasis on congenital hypothyroidism for the developing programs.
  • Draft model plans of action, based on current screening status, and utilize them for drafting individual national plans of action for newborn screening with measurable goals and objectives.
  • Assist with technology transfer, including performance criteria and quality control aspects of newborn screening, to promote effective newborn screening in the region.
  • Develop MENA population studies to determine the incidence of genetic and metabolic disorders, linking to national databases with standardized measures.
  • Promote relationships among U.S. and other international investigators with scientists and policy makers in the region.
  • Provide a forum to exchange best practices and build intellectual capability in the area of newborn screening.

More Information:

Sorrel Namaste, NICHD