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2nd Conference of the Middle East and North Africa Newborn Screening Initiative: Partnerships for Sustainable Newborn Screening Infrastructure and Research Opportunities

April 12-14, 2008

Tentative Agenda

Saturday, 12 April
Sunday, 13 April
Monday, 14 April

Saturday, 12 April

9:00-9:45Welcoming Remarks and Introductions
9:45-10:15Plenary Speaker
10:40-12:10Basic Aspects of Newborn Screening
 10:40-10:55Overview of Newborn Screening System and Infrastructure
 10:55-11:10Legislative and Policies Relevant to National Newborn Screening
 11:10-11:25Integrating Research and Research Linkages
 11:25-11:40Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Considerations
12:10-13:30Newborn Screening in the Middle East and North Africa
 12:10-12:30Overview of Newborn Screening Systems within the Middle East/North Africa (MENA): Analysis of Country Situation Survey Instrument
 13:00-13:15Developing Web-Based Training Programs in the MENA Region: A Pilot Congenital Hypothyroidism Training Program
14:50-17:45Discovering Practical Solutions to Implement Newborn Screening
 15:00-16:00Small Group Discussions on the Challenges of and Progress Made in Developing Newborn Screening Programs

Grouped by:

  • Countries that have not begun newborn screening (Group 1)
  • Countries that provide limited newborn screening (Group 2)
  • Countries that have established national newborn screening (Group 3)
 16:15-16:25Presentation by Countries that Have Not Begun Newborn Screening Programs
 16:45-16:55Presentation by Countries that Provide Limited Newborn Screening Programs
 17:15-17:25Presentation by Countries that Have Established National Newborn Screening Programs

Sunday, 13 April

8:30-12:00Workshop on Developing a National Plan of Action
 8:40-10:30Small Group Discussions to Develop a Draft National Action Plan Grouped by:
  • Countries that have not begun newborn screening (Group 1)
  • Countries that provide limited newborn screening (Group 2)
  • Countries that have established national newborn screening (Group 3)

Action Plan Framework:
  1. Needs assessment
  2. Prioritize issues
  3. Identify goals and objectives
  4. Create implementation strategies
  5. Develop an action plan and measures for evaluating effectiveness

Workshop Outcome: Draft Outline of National Action Plan to be Developed Further, Subsequent to the Conference, by Web-based Working Groups
 11:00-12:00Continue Discussions in Small Groups
12:00-12:30Closing Remarks by Policy Makers
12:30-13:30Poster sessions
14:45-16:10Panel on Building Partnerships and Collaboration
 14:50-15:00Patient and Advocacy Hearing Disorder Groups as a Catalysts for Policy Direction and Implementation
 15:00-15:10Hemoglobinopathy Disorders Research Network (National Institutes of Health)
 15:10-15:20European Union (EU) Pediatricians Society Partnership with Egypt on Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS)
 15:20-15:30Qatar and Germany Laboratory Partnership
 15:30-15:40Newborn Screening Community Awareness Campaign: The Philippine Experience
16:30-18:00Panel on Congenital Hypothyroidism
 16:35-16:55Treatment for Congenital Hypothyroidism
 16:55-17:05Congenital Hypothyroidism Outreach Program for Physicians in Saudi Arabia
 17:05-17:15Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening to Assess Iodine Deficiency in Turkey
 17:15-17:25Iodine Deficiency in Egypt

Monday, 14 April

8:45-10:10A Training Panel on Performance Standards and Quality Assurance
 8:50-9:10System Indicators and Program Evaluation/Audit
 9:10-9:20Developing System Quality Indicators and initiating Laboratory Certification in a Developing Program
 9:20-9:30Iran Activities with Performance Evaluation and Assessment Scheme (PEAS)
 9:30-9:40Developing Laboratory Quality Assurance with Emphasis on Congenital Hypothyroidism International Screening Laboratory Proficiency Testing
10:40-12:30Discussion Panel on Developing Research Infrastructure: From Bench-to-Bedside
 10:45-10:55Use of Residual Dried Blood Spots for Research: Practical and Ethical Considerations
 10:55-11:05International Clearing House for Birth Defects
 11:05-11:15Developing a National Collaborative Translational Research Infrastructure
 11:15-11:25New technologies (MS/MS, Luminex, Microfluidics - ‘lab on a chip’)
 11:25-11:35Laboratory for Research on the Genetics of Developmental Disabilities in Children: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (French National Institute of Health), Laboratory Unit in Morocco
12:30-13:30Closing Remarks


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