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2008 Executive PayWatch

The chief executive of a Standard & Poor's 500 company made, on average, $14.2 million in total compensation in 2007, according to preliminary data from The Corporate Library. Problems with executive compensation came to a head in 2007 with large severance packages given to CEOs of companies at the center of the mortgage crisis. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the financial turmoil set off by the collapse of the mortgage market could total nearly $1 trillion. Yet, chief executive officers of the firms most responsible for causing the crisis collected hundreds of millions of dollars in pay last year. This highlights the need for further reform to protect companies and their investors.


2007 Trends in CEO Pay
Find out what's behind growing CEO pay.
Why the Mortgage Credit Crisis Matters
Read about the link between CEO pay and the mortgage crisis.

Case Studies 
Read case studies about CEOs at
Bear Stearns Cos. Inc., Citigroup, Countrywide Financial Corp., Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., Morgan Stanley, Wachovia Corp. and Washington Mutual Inc.

CEO Pay Database
Check the Executive PayWatch database for new 2007 CEO pay data. See how your wage compares with major CEOs' wages and learn how to track down executive pay. 

What You Can Do
Tell Congress to deal with the mortgage meltdown. And urge your senators to support Sen. Barack Obama’s executive pay bill.
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