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         Community Services Division   (CSD)

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Work Training Program


MISSION: to create a safe and positive community in which youth can enhance their intellectual, emotional and social well-being and practice leadership, teamwork and effective community membership.

SERVICES at YouthSource

 GraduateYouthSource is a consortium of youth providers offering a full array of opportunities and programs focusing on Education, Employment and Leadership. These services include connections to a full array of youth programs, links to community resources for life stabilization, job readiness & placement and comprehensive case management.

Education: YouthSource offers students who have experienced an incomplete education the opportunity to learn in a nontraditional setting.

  • Self-paced and Student centered
  • Open entry/open exit
  • Project based
  • Small group instruction
  • Aligned with EALRS
  • Credit recovery
  • High School & GED

Employment: YouthSource employment activities occur in tandem with academic work. Job-seeking youth can access:

  • Career Exploration with hands on experiential opportunities and internships in field of interest
  • Job readiness training
  • Job search assistance
  • Job placement services

Leadership: YouthSource encourages students to assert themselves positively by taking on leadership roles.

  • Student council
  • Justice committee/advocacy work
  • Public speaking presentations
  • Community/Service Learning
  • Life Skills

PROGRAMS at YouthSource

Programming at YouthSource is designed to meet the needs of drop out, at risk and post risk youth looking for education, employment, and leadership opportunities.

Learning Centers: Our academic curriculum, in conjunction with Highline and Seattle school districts, allows students to progress at his or her own rate and utilize teaching staff, as they need it. We provide rigorous and relevant hands on learning through credit recovery, school re-entry, high school completion and a GED option, with the goal of improving student achievement in key foundation competencies and skills for success in both education and work.

Students with an incomplete education can attend YouthSource and take basic skills classes, high school diploma completion courses or GED preparation in a non traditional setting.

YouthBuild: A national model program in Construction training/leadership/service learning program training low income youth to rebuild their communities. Student build low –income housing in partnership with Seattle King County Habitat for Humanity and theCentral Area Motivation Program (CAMP).

Opportunity Skyway and Aviation: Manufacturing track that focuses on manufacturing careers and aerospace training. Located at the King County International Airport.Through the partnership with Seattle Public Schools and the King County International Airport, youth build a small aircraft and explore the field of manufacturing through field trips, speakers and hands-on project based training.

Digital Bridge Academy: Focused on training for the technology industry through two tracks: 1) Hardware, networking and CISCO A+, 2) Software programming. Youth work towards implementing these skills within community-based agencies as service learning goals.

PARTNERS of YouthSource

YouthSource brings together a synergistic team of partners all committed to providing high quality services and opportunities for youth to learn, work and lead. Most links are external to King County.


  • Seattle Public Schools: Interagency SPS provides a full time Basic Education teacher and a part time Special Education Counselor as well as vocational and educational support services.
  • Renton Technical College: RTC provides one full time GED instructor that facilitates basic skills assessments and curriculum. RTC also assists with GED testing fees.
  • Literacy* AmeriCorps: Provides 3 full time tutors to our classroom and offers community building and service learning activities for our youth.
  • Alternatives to Secure Detention: YouthSource offers a Day and Evening Report Center in Partnership with Alternatives to Secure Detention and Seattle Public Schools to provide a positive and effective alternative to lock up intervention.


  • Job Corps: Serves 16-24 year olds by providing education, job training and support services in a residential campus program. A full time Job Corps job developer is located at YouthSource and is the bridge to the WorkSource Renton’s Employer Services Team (WEST).
  • WorkSource Renton: Provides comprehensive employment services in a One-Stop Center. Partners with YouthSource to link youth with appropriate services in employment and training.


  • Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center: Delivers one full time counselor who is dual certified in mental health and drug and alcohol counseling. She provides a complete menu of counseling services including assessments, referrals, support groups, crisis intervention, one-on-one therapy and staff training.
  • Superior Court: Through partnership and communication with Superior Court Probation officers YouthSource case managers work with the young person to successfully complete court obligations through education, training and community service and become ready to enter the workplace unfettered by legal

YouthSource would like to thank the progressive partners that contribute to the core funding structure which makes YouthSource so successful in reaching young people who are trying to make a change.

  • King County
  • Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County
  • Seattle School District
  • Department of Labor
  • Housing and Urban Development

For more information contact:

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King County Work Training Program

e-mail us

500 SW 7th Street, Suite 200

TTY: 711 Relay

Renton, WA 98057

Fax: 206-296-3510

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