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April 2003

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AmberWaves April 2003 > Gleanings

title "Gleanings"

bullet Are Food Safety and International Trade Compatible?

bullet Environmental Review of Free Trade Agreements

bullet How a Nation’s Income Growth Affects Its Food Consumption Patterns

bullet How Rural Areas Differ

bullet The Market for Commodity-Based Agricultural Information


bullet Education and Local Economic Development

bullet Performance-Based Environmental Policies

bullet ERS Hosts Meeting on Organic Sector Data

bullet Race and Ethnicity in Rural Areas

bullet Understanding Rural Population Loss and Growth

bullet Future Food Expenditures

bullet Future Food Consumption

bullet U.S. Organic Farming Small, But Growing

bullet Demand for Farm Credit Expands, But Farm Lenders Remain Cautious

bullet China’s Water Policies: Effects on Production and Trade

bullet Commodity Markets and Trade

bullet Competing in the 21st Century

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