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Hello from We Can! Summer 2007
We Can! hopes you had a healthy and active summer. We Can! has been busy during the summer months planning exciting events and developing new resources that promote good nutrition and physical activity for youth and families.

Read on to learn more about these exciting activities that the community sites and partners are doing this fall. Also included in this newsletter are helpful energy balance tips for the season.

Earlier this year, We Can! hosted two regional trainings that created a lot of momentum; nearly 100 new We Can! sites signed up in the weeks after the trainings. Now We Can! is getting ready to host two more trainings in the coming weeks:

  • Carson City, Nevada (10/29–30)
  • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (11/5–6)

Both of these trainings are open to the public and have a no-fee registration. Register for these events today.

In addition to the regional trainings, We Can! has other events coming up in the next couple months. See the full calendar of events.

Based on feedback from a number of our Parent Program facilitators, We Can! has created a new version of the Parent Program.

Now, in addition to the 6-lesson program, you have the option of a
4-lesson program and companion piece for participants.

You can download the PDF-versions from the We Can! Web site, and the print versions will be available later this year.

Another new resource for We Can! community sites is technical assistance conference calls. Starting in November 2007, community sites will have the chance to engage in discussions on topics like the new Parent Program materials, culturally specific tips for implementation, and nutrition guidance.

If you would like to learn more about these calls or suggest a specific topic of interest, please send an email to wecan@aed.org.

Partner Profile
We Can! has grown tremendously since it launched in June 2005. Nearly 400 community sites have joined the We Can! movement. These sites work on the state, county, and city levels to provide We Can! activities and programs to children, parents, and families across the country


An example of statewide outreach is Anita Courtney’s work in Kentucky. Ms. Courtney facilitates the We Can! Parent Program and uses a train-the-trainer model to get other We Can! leaders up to speed. Read more about Ms. Courtney’s work to learn ways you can make a difference through We Can!

We Can! is proud to announce its very first
We Can! County.
Armstrong, PA, and the HEALTHY Armstrong (Healthy Eating, Active Lifestyles—Together Helping Youth) coalition recently launched their wellness program in county schools. Read more about the county and its exciting kickoff event.

Since becoming a We Can! City, Gary, IN, has been leveraging its efforts to have an impact on the state level, including working with the Governor of Indiana. Read more about the city of Gary’s activities.

Partner Profile We Can! is proud to be working with more than 30 national and corporate partners, including Host Hotels, which has agreed to use We Can! as a foundation for making new employees aware of good nutrition and physical activity.

The Association of Children’s Museums incorporated We Can! materials and messages about healthy lifestyles in its new Good to Grow! program Web site.

Together, We Can! and the Highmark Foundation launched Healthy High 5 Health eTools for Schools earlier this year.

We Can! is also working with the Association of Junior Leagues International on AJLI’s childhood obesity and nutrition education initiative, Kids in the Kitchen.

Read more about all of these partners’ We Can! activities.

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Community Spotlight

We Can! community sites are working hard to share We Can! messages and materials with families.

Boston Steps is collaborating with Boston Public Schools to support hosting We Can! parent classes. Read more

The South Bend, IN, We Can! community site has been doing outreach work to mentor newer We Can! sites in their area. Read more

Community Spotlight

Dear We Can! is a new feature in our newsletter. We Can! staff members answer your questions about the We Can! program.

Question:"I work in our county health department and am interested in bringing We Can! to our schools this fall. Have other community sites done this?"

Read the answer

Do you have a question that you would like us to answer? Please send it to wecan@aed.org.

We may feature your question in an upcoming newsletter.

New Calendar from NHLBI

Do you have a copy of the new 2008 Keep The Beat Calendar?

This colorful wall calendar will help you make healthy choices for your family in the upcoming year.

2008 Keep the Beat Calendar

Updated for 2008, it contains new tips, facts, and recipes, and space to write down nutritional and physical activity each month. Order your copy today.

Community Spotlight

Back to School Snacks
Send your kids to school with healthy snacks like raw vegetables or dried fruit like apricots, raisins, or pineapple; whole grain snacks like crackers, brown rice cakes, or cereal bars; or "Ants on a Log" (celery with peanut butter and raisins).

Happy "Healthy" Halloween
When kids come knocking, provide these healthier treats that aren’t too tricky: cereal bars, raisins, or other dried fruits; or non-food items like stickers, pencils, or coins.

Physical Activity in Cold Weather
Cold weather does not mean the end to being physically active. When it gets cold, try these fun activities for the whole family.

Dance to your family’s favorite CD at home.

Locate indoor physical activity programs in your neighborhood—at churches, schools, or community centers.

Bundle up and take an invigorating family walk around the block.

Join <em><strong>We Can!</strong></em>
How Communities can get involved
How Organizations can get involved
Visit http://wecan.nhlbi.nih.gov
Call 1-866-35-WECAN

Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition) is a national health education campaign from the National Institutes of Health that provides activities and programs to help prevent childhood obesity in children ages 8-13. The program informs parents and caregivers in home and community settings to encourage improved nutritional choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time in their families.
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