National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institue<em><strong>We Can!</strong></em> In Action
A healthy weight resource for families, communities, and health professionals

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Hello from <em><strong>We Can!</strong></em> rally participants We Can! is harvesting the benefits of a bountiful Autumn season! On October 6 and 7th, the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, hosted the first We Can! Rally. More than 100 attendees learned about We Can!’s progress over the past year and discussed opportunities to enhance and create community-based programs to help children maintain a healthy weight.

The day-and-a-half event featured prominent guests and speakers, including Rear Admiral Penelope Slade Royall, Director, HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; Dr. Yvonne T. Maddox, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; and Dr. Susan B. Shurin, Deputy Director, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

In addition to hearing about the HHS and NIH commitment to the We Can! program, participants attended sessions led by many experts. Topics included how to more effectively reach and engage parents, how to develop and nurture local partnerships, and how to implement curricula and outreach activities that foster strong results and help to sustain efforts.

A primary objective of the rally was to learn from the experts: the We Can! community sites and partners. Representatives from We Can! sites were featured in group sessions, panel discussions, and “commercials” that highlighted program successes.

rally participants with awards

We Can! is proud of its community advocates and partners. Each of the fourteen We Can! Intensive Community Sites were presented with an Award of Excellence signed by NIH Director Dr. Elias Zerhouni to commemorate their hard work and dedication during the first year of the program.

The outpouring of attendees’ ideas and strategies coupled with their enthusiasm about current and future activities will assist We Can! as it moves forward. We Can! make a difference in the lives of our children!

In late October, developers of We Can! and one of the curricula -- Media Smart Youth -- spoke at the 3rd Annual Prevention Summit, hosted by the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. In addition, speaking to an audience of over 1,000 attendees, HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt identified We Can! as one of the Department’s valuable obesity-prevention programs designed to empower Americans to live healthier lives.

<em><strong>We Can!</strong></em> Across the Country! Since it launched 18 months ago, We Can! has created partnerships with numerous organizations, agencies, and corporations to implement the program. With more than 110 communities in 33 U.S. states, Canada, and the Philippines, We Can! continues to grow and enhance its impact on the health of communities like yours. Since the program launch, We Can! Intensive Community Sites have promoted the importance of a healthy weight in families and children at 60 events with over 125,000 attendees.

These site activities, as well as We Can!’s national media outreach efforts to raise awareness of the program have resulted in national and local print, national and local television and radio programs, and Web sites culminating in over 240 million media impressions.

This outreach includes the release of three matte articles that expand the We Can! editorial reach to newspapers across the country: “Larger Portion Sizes Contribute to U.S. Obesity Problem,” “Your Child’s BMI Could Signal Weight Problems,” and “Less TV, Fewer Videos Help Keep Weight In Check.” The articles are available on the We Can! Web site for We Can! community sites and corporate partners to use in their efforts to communicate program messages to their constituents.

Another new resource, the 2007 Keep the Beat Calendar, is available to help you promote heart health and healthy living all year. This beautifully illustrated wall calendar guides you through 12 months of eating well, staying active, and keeping your life in balance. Special calendar features include monthly themes, space to write down physical activity and nutrition goals, and delicious heart healthy recipes. Order a 2007 Calendar from NHLBI online. Customization and large quantity orders are available. For more information, call the NHLBI Health Information Center at (301) 592-8573.

Partner Profile More and more partners are using We Can! messages and materials to educate their members about the benefits of energy balance. Recently, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the National Latina Health Network distributed We Can! materials at their annual meetings. The Nemours Health and Prevention Services included a presentation on We Can! at its 2nd Annual Conference on Child Health Promotion held in Wilmington, DE.

Many Fortune 500 companies are also showing interest in We Can! More than 16 companies have already planned or completed We Can!-related activities. For example, Alltel and Delphi featured We Can! messages and materials at their corporate health fairs. Winn Dixie has a link to
We Can! on its consumer Web site under “Good Nutrition for Healthy Families” section. The October issue of Parenting magazine, with a readership of 11 million, includes a full page We Can! advertorial done in collaboration with Pepperidge Farm. In addition, Parenting distributed We Can! parent handbooks at its Fall Mall events in Bethesda, MD, St. Louis, MO, and Santa Clara, CA; more than 3,000 people attended these events.

Learn more about We Can! partners.

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Community Spotlight

Governor’s Award to Lane County Site Leader

We Can! congratulates Ms. Sandy Schaeffer, Recreation Program Manager for the Amazon and Sheldon Community Centers, City of Eugene, Youth & Family Recreation Services. The Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports awarded Sandy with the Fitness Leadership Award for her professional and personal commitment to improved fitness, nutrition, and physical activity for youth. Sandy’s work embodies the spirit of We Can! to improve the well-being of youth in Eugene, Oregon.

Spreading We Can! throughout Kentucky

The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) plans to implement We Can! statewide across Kentucky. In order to maximize success, KDPH is commencing its effort on a local level by working with the Lexington Tweens Nutrition and Fitness Coalition. Members of the coalition attended the We Can! Rally in October and have begun We Can! programming in their community. They will share their experiences and lessons learned with KDPH as it prepares to expand We Can! across the state.

The statewide effort will be enhanced by the involvement of the Partnership for a Fit Kentucky, a network supported by the state's CDC Obesity Prevention grant. Partnership for a Fit Kentucky will spread We Can! messages through the Food Stamp Program, Cooperative Extension Service, local health departments, and faith-based groups. In addition, the Partnership is supporting trainings to develop a network of We Can! leaders across the state.

By coordinating a statewide We Can! initiative, KDPH hopes to build momentum, create brand recognition, and develop tie-ins with media and grocery stores to expand the reach of We Can! across the state.

Community Spotlight

Autumn Activity Tip

This season presents a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the colors of fall. Stay active this season by raking leaves, taking walks in wooded areas, or taking scenic bike rides.

Autumn Nutrition Tip

Did you know that pumpkin is a food that can be used in many healthy recipes, even pumpkin pie? Pumpkin is naturally low in calories, adds fiber to the diet, and is a good source of vitamin A.

For a tasty autumn meal, sauté pumpkin with your favorite vegetables and serve over brown rice.

If you serve dessert, remember to think about portion control and serve heart healthy pumpkin pie. Read the recipe for crunchy pumpkin pie online.

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Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition) is a national health education campaign from the National Institutes of Health that provides activities and programs to help prevent childhood obesity in children ages 8-13. The program informs parents and caregivers in home and community settings to encourage improved nutritional choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time in their families.
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Center for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480