Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 72.0
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MSHA -  Title 30 CFR

Subpart A--General

72.1    Scope.

Subparts B - C [Reserved]

Subpart D--Diesel Particulate Matter--Underground Areas of Underground Coal Mines

72.500    Emission limits for permissible diesel-powered equipment.

72.501    Emission limits for nonpermissible heavy-duty diesel- powered equipment, generators and compressors.

72.502    Requirements for nonpermissible light-duty diesel-powered equipment other than generators and compressors.

72.503    Determination of emissions; filter maintenance; definition of "introduced".

72.510    Miner health training.

72.520    Diesel equipment inventory.

Subpart    E--Miscellaneous

72.610    Abrasive blasting.

72.620    Drill dust control at surface mines and surface areas of underground mines.

72.630    Drill dust control at underground areas of underground mines.

72.710    Selection, fit, use, and maintenance of approved respirators.

Authority:    30 U.S.C. 811   , 813   (h), 957   , 961   .

[   59 FR 8318, Feb. 18, 1994; 60 FR 30398, June 8, 1995]

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