Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 44.0
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MSHA - Title 30 CFR

Subpart A--General


44.1    Scope and construction.

44.2    Definitions.

44.3    Parties.

44.4    Standard of evaluation of petitions; effect of petitions granted.

44.5    Notice of a granted petition for modification.

44.6    Service.

44.7    Filing.

44.8    Ex parte communication.

44.9    Posting of petition.

Subpart    B--Initial Procedure for Petitions for Modification

44.10    Filing of petition; service.

44.11    Contents of petition.

44.12    Procedure for public notice of petition received.

44.13    Proposed decision.

44.14    Request for hearing.

44.15    Referral to Chief Administrative Law Judge.

44.16    Application for temporary relief; relief to give effect to the proposed decision and order.

Subpart    C--Hearings

44.20    Designation of administrative law judge.

44.21    Filing and form of documents.

44.22    Administrative law judges; powers and duties.

44.23    Prehearing conferences.

44.24    Discovery.

44.25    Depositions.

44.26    Subpoenas; witness fees.

44.27    Consent findings and rules or orders.

44.28    Notice of hearing.

44.29    Motions.

44.30    Hearing procedures.

44.31    Proposed findings of fact, conclusions, and orders.

44.32    Initial decision.

44.33    Departmental review.

44.34    Transmission of record.

44.35    Decision of the Assistant Secretary.

Subpart    D--Summary Decisions

44.40    Motion for summary decision.

44.41    Summary decision.

Subpart    E--Effect of Initial Decision

44.50    Effect of appeal on initial decision.

44.51    Finality for purposes of judicial review.

44.52    Revocation of modification.

44.53    Amended modification.

AUTHORITY:    30 U.S.C. 957   .

SOURCE:    43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

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