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Interactive Wright 1901 Wind Tunnel


We present here a Java applet derived from FoilSim which simulates the operation of the Wright 1901 Wind Tunnel. There are two versions of this applet. This version requires the user to manually record data and plot results in the same way that the Wright brothers acquired their data. A more modern version records and reduces the data and produces plots within the program.

Button to Display Data Form Button to Display Table of Sin(a) Button to Display Graph Paper Form Button to Display Data Form Button to Display Table of Tan(a)
Airfoil images courtesy of The Franklin Institute Online - Tunnel and balance images courtesy of Wright State University via OhioLINK Digital Media Center.

You can download your own copy of this applet by pushing the following button:

Button to Download Applet

The program is downloaded in .zip format. You must save the file to disk and then "Extract" the files. Click on "Tunl.html" or "Foil.html" to run the program off-line. "Tunl.html" includes this tutorial, "Foil.html" runs the program alone.

This simulation works exactly the same way that the Wright Brother's 1901 wind tunnel worked. The layout of the simulator shows an overhead view into the tunnel test section at the upper left. You can choose to test the wing model on either the lift balance or the drag balance by clicking on the appropriate label in the view window at the upper left. Clicking on the words "Wind Tunnel", "Lift Balance", or "Drag Balance" will also display pictures of the actual machines. In the upper middle part of the simulator is the output dial. This dial is the only output from the program. For the lift balance, the dial gives the angle between the brackets holding the model and the reference drag plates. The sine of this angle is the major portion of the lift coefficient used in the lift equation as understood by the Wright Brothers. For the drag balance, the dial gives the angle which the model is deflected by the flow through the tunnel. The tangent of this angle plus the angle of attack gives the drag coefficient used in the drag equation divided by the lift coefficient. To the right of the output dial are the sequence buttons which take you through the operation of the tunnel. The white button is the current operation, and you must push the red/white buttons before doing the procedure.

Most of the procedures to operate the lift balance and the drag balance are the same. But the differences are noted in these instructions:

The brothers selected the shape of the models to study the various design variables which affect wing performance. They would run a series of tests which would isolate the effect of a given design variable. We suggest that you visit the models page and duplicate the conditions yourself. The wing design of the 1902 glider was never actually tested, but was based on models 9, 12 and 35.

NOTICE: In this simple program we are using a very simplified analysis to compute the lift. We have applied some correction factors to account for the wing stall which occurs at high angles of attack. If you compare the results of this program with actual data from the Wright experiments of 1901, you will notice some numerical differences, but we have tried to properly model the trends of the data. Similarly, we have made rather simple curve fits of the brothers' drag data. You will notice numerical differences, but the trends are correct.


Button to Display grade level


Button to Display Wright Index

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 by Tom Benson
Please send suggestions/corrections to: Carol Galica
Curator: Dave Mazza

Last Updated Thu, Oct 14 08:55:30 AM EDT 2004 by Tom Benson