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Governmentwide Financial Reporting System - FIRST

2-day Course | Credit: 16 CPEs | Tuition: $495.00 | Course Dates | Register Online


This course helps agency personnel understand the methods FMS is using to integrate data collected through multiple reporting systems; helps agency personnel learn where to ?nd information in the FMS systems that will help them do their accounting and reporting: reinforces the importance of the U.S. Standard General Ledger and the role it plays in improvong the consistency of agency reporting: and, improves the quality of the Financial Report of the U.S. Government (FR) by improving the consistency of agency reporting.

The major topics include:

  • Follow the activities of a couple of Treasury Account Symbols through sereval accounting events.
  • Post those events to USSGL accounts, prepare trial balances, and edit our amounts against data from the central accounting system.
  • Work in teams, and sharing of thoughts is encouraged.

Who should attend:

Students should be federal accountants with a good working knowledge of the USSGL. Those who prepare reports for Treasury and OMB (FACTS I and II and GFRS), for example, should be especially interested in attending


  • None

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