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Governmental Budgeting and Accounting Concepts

2-day Course | Credit: 16 CPEs | Tuition: $485.00 | Course Dates | Register Online


This course consolidates and replaces two of our previously offered classes: Basic Accounting Concepts and Accrual World. This foundation course provides an excellent non-technical introduction to governmental budgeting and accounting. Students will become acquainted with budgeting and accounting terms as well as the historical context of the federal government and legal concepts that drive Congressional appropriations. Using the accounting model, government accounting principles are learned and applied. This class is a great introduction to the Standard General Ledger courses.

Major topics include:

  • Definition of accounting terminology
  • Fundamental accounting principles
  • The SGL chart of accounts
  • The Budgetary and Proprietary Equations
  • Legislative accounting mandates
  • The Federal Budget Process
  • What is Budgetary Accounting?
  • Identify how agencies are financed
  • Standard financial statements/reports

Who should attend:

Accountants, Budget Analysts; Financial/Program Managers, and anyone interested in gaining a thorough understanding of accounting and budgeting terms/concepts. Anyone engaged in designing or developing federal accounting systems will greatly benefit from this course.


  • None

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