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Hydraulics Engineering


Hydraulics Engineering - Research

Hydraulics & Hydrology Research

The hydraulics and hydrology research program at the TFHRC has four coordinated elements:

  • First, most of our research has been done through universities, private research firms and other government agencies. The FHWA contract research program on bridge scour was a high priority research area during the 1990's.
  • Second, we provide liaison for National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects related to hydraulics and hydrology. There are approximately eight such NCHRP projects currently active.
  • Third, we provide technical support and advice when needed for major State planning and research studies.
  • Finally, our most visible part is the TFHRC hydraulics laboratory where we conduct fundamental research, provide technical support of engineering circulars published by our FHWA office partners, and provide technical engineering service to FHWA division offices and State DOT's.

The laboratory is operated by a contractor funded mostly by an FHWA administrative contract, but the contract is structured to facilitate utilizing funds from other government offices and State DOT's for service.  We maintain a research summary which gives an up- to-date status of the overall hydraulics and hydrology research program and lists the publications that have been developed over the years. (see Research Summary).

This page last modified on 05/09/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration