Edward L. Frome


Oak Ridge National Laboratory                                    Home Contact Information:

P. O. Box 2008, Bldg. 6012                                           107 Oneida Lane

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6367                                Oak Ridge, TN 37830

United States


Phone: (865) 574-3138                                                  (865) 482-5101

Fax: (865) 574-0680

Email: FromeEL@ornl.gov                                            FromeStat@comcast.net

Web Site http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~frome/                          Short Bio

DOE Clearance Level: Q



Ph.D., Emory University, Statistics & Biometry, 1972

M.S., University of Florida, Statistics, 1966

B.S., University of Florida, Physics, 1964

Postdoctoral Fellow, Anesthesiology, Emory University, 1973 


Professional Affiliations:

·        American Statistical Association [Elected Fellow ]- 1996

·        Biometric Society - ENAR

·        Radiation Research Society


 Professional Experience:

·        1971- 2006, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Computer Science and Mathematics Division,  Senior Research Staff/Statistician  

·         1998- present, Adjunct Professor, University of Tennessee, Department of Statistics

·        1986-2003, Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina, Biostatistics

·        1986-1996, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Biostatistics

·        1977-1981, Medical Div. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Biostatistics Section Leader

·        1973-1977, University of Texas at Austin, Assistant Professor, Statistics

·        1972-1973, Dept. of Anesthesiology, Emory University, Postdoctoral Fellow

·        1969-1972, Dept. of Statistics and Biometry, Emory University, Research Fellow

·        1968-1969, Marketing Research Department, Coca-Cola USA

·        1966-1968, Medical and Health Sciences Division, Oak Ridge Associated Universities


Other Expertise:

·        Associate Editor for The American Statistician, 1983 - 1993.

·        Statistical Consultant for Radiation Research Society, 1991 - present.

·        Member of the Oak Ridge Reservation Health Effects Subcommittee (ORRHES),of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR/CDC) (2000-01 )

·        Member of the City of Oak Ridge Environmental Advisory Board (2000-03)  

·        Member of the Organizing Committee for the Conference on the Analysis and Assessment of Ionizing Radiation from Scientific and Statistical Perspectives sponsored by the American Statistical Association (ASA), 1983 – 1989.  Chairman of 1985 ASA Conference

·        Member of the Information Systems Working Group for the DOE Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR): 1990 – 1993.

·        Member of the American Statistical Association Committee on Statistics and the Environment:  1986 – 1998.

·        Member of the Statistics Test Panel for Data Management Systems in Genetic Toxicology, sponsored by the US EPA through Integrated Laboratory Systems: 1987 – 1990.


Summary of Recent and Earlier Research with links to recent work [Visit Here ].


Publications and Recent Technical Reports:


·        E. L. Frome and D. P. Frome 2007, "R package SAND "Statistical Analysis Non-Detects"." (available at www.csm.ornl.gov/esh/statoed/ )

·        E. L. Frome and P. W. Wambach. 2006. "Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data with Non-Detectable Values." (Manuscript under revision)

·        E. L. Frome and P. F. Wambach, (June, 2005),"Statistical Methods and Software for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data With Non-Detectable Values" ORNL/TM-2005/52 (http://www.csm.ornl.gov/esh/aoed/)

·        Kerr, G.D. , E.L. Frome, W. G. Tankersley, and J. P. Watkins, (2005)"Historical Evaluation of the Film Badge Dosimetry Program at the Y-12 Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Part 2 Neutron Radiation", ORAUT-OTIB-0045.

·        Frome, E. L. and J. Watkins, (2004), Statistical Analysis of Data with Non-detectable Values,ORNL/TM-2004/146. (http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~frome/sand/)

·        Frome, E. L., and P. G. Groer, (2004), Individual Dose Adjustment Procedure for Y-12 Dose Reconstruction, ORAUT-TIB-0013, Revision No. 00-A, Oak Ridge Associate Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

·        Watkins, J. P., G. D. Kerr, E. L. Frome, W. G. Tankersley, and C. M. West, (2004), Historical Evaluation of the Film Badge Dosimetry Program at the Y-12 Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, ORAU TechnicalReport # 2004-0888. (http://www.orau.gov/cer/reports.htm )

·        Frome,E.L. Newman, L.S., Cragle, D.L, Colyer, S.P. and P.F. Wambach (2003)",Identification of an Abnormal Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test",Toxicology,183:39-56.

·        Farris, G. M., Newman, L. S., Frome, E. L., et. al.  Detection of Beryllium Sensitivity Using a Flow Cytometric Lymphocyte Proliferation Test: the IMMUNO-BE-LPT,” Toxicology: 143, 125-140, 2000.

·        Weresczczak, A., Ferber, M., Kirkland, T., Barnes, A., Frome, E., Asymmetric Tensile and Compressive Creep Deformation of Hot-isostatically-pressed Y2O3-Doped-Si3N4. Journal European Ceramic Society. 19(1999): 227-237, 1999

·        Frome, E. L., Cragle, D. L., Watkins, J. P., Wing, S., Shy, C. M., Tankersley, W. G., West, C., A mortality study of employees of the nuclear industry in Oak Ridge, Tennessee [published erratum appears in Radiat Res 1997 Sep;148(3):297-8]. Radiation Research. 148(Jul 1997): 64-80, Jul 1997

·        Mitchell, T. J., Ostrouchov, G., Frome, E. L., Kerr, G. D.  A method for estimating occupational radiation dose to individuals, using weekly dosimetry data. Radiation Research. 147(Feb 1997): 195-207, Feb 1997

·        Watkins, J. P., Reagan, J. L., Cragle, D. L., Frome, E. L., West,C.M., Crawford-Brown, D., and Tankersley, W. G., Collection, Validation, and Treatment of Data for a Mortality Study of Nuclear Industry Workers. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 12(1997): 195-205, 1997

·        Frome, E. L., Smith, M. H., Littlefield, L. G., Neubert, R.L., Colyer, S. P.  Statistical methods for the blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104 Suppl 5(Oct 1996): 957-68, Oct 1996

·        Fry, S. A., Cragle, D. L., Crawford-Brown, D. J., Dupree, E. A., Frome, E. L., et al. , Health and Mortality Among Contractor Employees at US Department of Energy Facilities. Radiation and Public Perception Benefits and Risks, Advances in Chemistry Series.(1995): 239-258, 1995

·        Littlefield, L. G., Joiner, E. E, Colyer, S. P., Frome, E. L.,  Radioprotective Chemicals as Tools for Studying Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Chromosome Damage in Human Lymphocytes. Chromosomal Alterations, eds. G. Obe and A. T.(1994): 132-139, 1994

·        Wing, S., Shy, C. M., Wood, J.L., Wolf, S., Cragle, D.L., Tankersley, W., Frome, E.L.,  Job factors, radiation and cancer mortality at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: follow-up through 1984 [published erratum appears in Am J Ind Med 1993;23(4):673]. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 23(Feb 1993): 265-79, Feb 1993

·        Littlefield, L.G., Joiner, E. E., Colyer, S. P., Sallam, F., Frome, E. L., Concentration-dependent protection against X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes by the aminothiol WR-1065. Radiation Research. 133(Jan 1993): 88-93, Jan 1993

·        Ostrouchov, G. and Frome, E. (1993), "A Model Search Procedure for Hierarchical Models", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 15, 285-296.

·        Generoso, W. M., Cain, K. T., Cornett, C. V., Frome, E. L.  Comparison of two stocks of mice in spermatogonial response to different conditions of radiation exposure. Mutation Research. 249(Aug 1991): 301-10, Aug 1991

·        Wing, S., Shy, C. M., Wood, J. L., Wolf, S., Cragle, D. L., Frome, E. L.  Mortality among workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Evidence of radiation effects in follow-up through 1984 [published errata appear in JAMA 1991 Aug 7;266(5):657 and 1992 Sep 16;268(11):1414] [see comments]. Jama. 265(Mar 1991): 1397-402, Mar 1991

·        Frome, E. L., (1991) "Statistical Analysis of Cytogenetic Dose-Response Curves", in Statistical Methods in Toxicological Research, eds. D. Krewski and C. Franklin, Gordon & Breach Science Publications, Inc., 281-298.

·        Frome, E. L., Cragle, D. L., McLain, R. W.  Poisson regression analysis of the mortality among a cohort of World War II nuclear industry workers. Radiation Research. 123(Aug 1990): 138-52, Aug 1990

·        Littlefield, L.G., Sayer, A.M., Frome, E.L.  Comparisons of dose-response parameters for radiation-induced acentric fragments and micronuclei observed in cytokinesis-arrested lymphocytes. Mutagenesis. 4(Jul 1989): 265-70, Jul 1989

·        Frome, E. L., and Morris, M. D. Evaluating Goodness of Fit of Poisson Regression Models in Cohort Studies. The American Statistician. 43(1989): 144-147, 1989

·        Littlefield, L.G., Joiner, E. E., Colyer, S. P., Sayer, A. M., Frome, E. L.  Modulation of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations by DMSO, an OH radical scavenger. 1: Dose-response studies in human lymphocytes exposed to 220 kV X-rays. International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine. 53(Jun 1988): 875-90, Jun 1988

·        Carpenter, A. V., Flanders, W. D., Frome, E. L., Tankersley, W. G., Fry, S. A.  Chemical exposures and central nervous system cancers: a case-control study among workers at two nuclear facilities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 13(1988): 351-62, 1988

·        Carpenter, A. V., Flanders, W. D., Frome, E. L., Cole, P, Fry, S. A.  Brain cancer and nonoccupational risk factors: a case-control study among workers at two nuclear facilities. American Journal of Public Health. 77(Sep 1987): 1180-2, Sep 1987

·        Witschi, H. P., Smith, L. H., Frome, E. L., Pequet-Goad, M. E., Griest, W. H., Ho, C. H., Guerin, M. R.  Skin tumorigenic potential of crude and refined coal liquids and analogous petroleum products. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. 9(Aug 1987): 297-303, Aug 1987

·        Carpenter, A. V., Flanders, W. D., Frome, E. L., Crawford-Brown, D. J., Fry, S. A.  CNS cancers and radiation exposure: a case-control study among workers at two nuclear facilities. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 29(Jul 1987): 601-4, Jul 1987

·        Lindenschmidt, R. C., Tryka, A. F., Godfrey, G. A., Frome, E. L., Witschi, H.  Intratracheal versus intravenous administration of bleomycin in mice: acute effects. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 85(Aug 1986): 69-77, Aug 1986

·        Frome, E. L., DuFrain, R. J.  Maximum likelihood estimation for cytogenetic dose-response curves. Biometrics. 42(Mar 1986): 73-84, Mar 1986

·        Frome, E. L., Checkoway, H.  Epidemiologic programs for computers and calculators. Use of Poisson regression models in estimating incidence rates and ratios. American Journal of Epidemiology. 121(Feb 1985): 309-23, Feb 1985

·        Frome, E. L.  The analysis of rates using Poisson regression models. Biometrics. 39(Sep 1983): 665-74, Sep 1983

·        DuFrain, R. J., Littlefield, L. G., Wilmer, J. L., Frome, E. L.  Evaluation of chemically induced cytogenetic lesions in rabbit oocytes. II. A comparison of streptonigrin effects on somatic and germ cells. Mutation Research. 94(May 1982): 103-14, May 1982

·        Frome, E. L.  Fisher's Exact Variance Test for the Poisson Distribution. Applied Statistics. 31(1982): 67-71, 1982

·        Polednak, A. P., Frome, E. L.  Mortality among men employed between 1943 and 1947 at a uranium-processing plant. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 23(Mar 1981): 169-78, Mar 1981

·        Frome, E. L., Khare, M.  Comments on Brodsky's statistical methods for evaluating epidemiological results [letter]. Health Physics. 39(Oct 1980): 695-9, Oct 1980

·        DuFrain, R. J., Littlefield, L. G., Joiner, E. E., Frome, E. L.  Human cytogenetic dosimetry: a dose-response relationship for alpha particle radiation from 241Am. Health Physics. 37(Sep 1979): 279-89, Sep 1979

·        Yakatan, G. J., Frome, E. L., Leonard, R. G., Shah, A. C., Doluisio, J. T.  Bioavailability of acetazolamide tablets. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 67(Feb 1978): 252-6, Feb 1978

·        Yakatan, G. J., Smith, R. B., Frome, E. L., Doluisio, J. T.  Pharmacokinetics of orally administered hydroflumethiazide in man. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 17(Jan 1977): 37-47, Jan 1977

·        Armstrong, R. D., and Frome, E. L.  A Special Pupose Linear Programming Algorithm for Obtaining Least Absolute Value Estimators in a Linear Model with Dummy Variables. Commun. Stat. B6(4)(1977): 383-398, 1977

·        Frome, E. L., Frederickson, E. L., Lushbaugh, C. C.  Power spectrum of the respiratory system. Biometrics. 32(Jun 1976): 423-8, Jun 1976

·        Charnes, A., Frome, E. L. and Yu, P. L.  The Equivalence of Generalized Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Exponential Family. Journal of The American Statistical Association. 71(1976): 169-172, 1976

·        Armstrong, R. D. and Frome, E. L.  A Branch and Bound Solution of a Restricted Least Squares Problem. Tecometrics. 18(1976): 447-450, 1976

·        Armstrong, R. D., and Frome, E. L.  A Comparison of Two Algorithms for Absolute Deviation Curve Fitting. Journal of The American Statistical Association. 71(1976): 328-330, 1976

·        Frome, E. L., Frederickson, E. L.  Digital spectrum analysis of the first and second heart sounds. Computers and Biomedical Research. 7(Oct 1974): 421-31, Oct 1974

·        Frome, E. L.  Algorithm AS 73: Cross-Spectrum Smoothing Via the Finite Fourier Transform. Applied Statistics. 23(1974): 238-244, 1974

·        Frome, E. L., Kutner, M. H., and Beauchamp, J. J.  Regression Analysis of Poisson-Distributed Data. Journal of The American Statistical Association. 68(1973): 935-940, 1973

·        Lushbaugh, C. C., Frome, E. L., Davis, H. T., Bibler, D. S.  Clinical aviation and aerospace medicine. Power spectrum of the impedance pneumograph: a data reduction system producing an analytical parameter of potential clinical usefulness. Aerospace Medicine. 40(Apr 1969): 425-9, Apr 1969

·        Frome, E. L., Beauchamp, J. J.  Maximum likelihood estimation of survival curve parameters. Biometrics. 24(Sep 1968): 595-605, Sep 1968