Information Concerning The Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test (BeLPT)

  1. Identification of an Abnormal Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test (2003)
    E.L. Frome,L.S.Newman, D.L. Cragle, S.P. Colyer, and P.F. Wambach, Toxicology,183:39-56.
    Visit Elsevier Web site
    The Following links provide access to The BeLPT Electronic Notebook and Technical Reports Cited in The Paper

  2. To Review information in the Tritiated Thymidene BeLPT Notebook Click Here and read Item 5

  3. DOE-SPEC-1142-2001:BERYLLIUM LYMPHOCYTE PROLIFERATION TESTING U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., 2001 PDF FILE 600K . (NOTE: See page 21 in the BeLPT Notebook for HTML version OR MS WORD Version)

  4. "Development and Evaluation of a Screening Test for Beryllium Sensitization" ,2001,Proceedings of the Statistics in Epidemiology Section PDF file (200K)

  5. "Detection of Beryllium Sensitivity Using a Flow Cytometric Lymphocyte Proliferation Test: the IMMUNO-BE-LPT", Toxicology,143:125-140." Paper

  6. "Results of the Analysis of The Blood Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test Data From The Oak Ridge Y-12 Study",2001, ORNL/TM-2001/79 (PDF file 357K)

  7. ``Results of the Analysis of The Blood Lymphocyte Proliferation Test Data From The National Jewish Center,1997,ORNL13338'', (PDF file 537KB)

  8. "Statistical Methods for the Blood Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test", (Environmental Health Perspectives, Oct 1996) SEE ---- CLICK HERE

    Beryllium Health and Safety Committee (BHSC)

    Beryllium Support Group Web Site

    DOE's Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Web Site
