February 2003 magazine cover

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USDA's Economic Research Service

AmberWaves February 2003 > Gleanings

title "Gleanings"
Current Activities trees and lake

bullet Do Changing Retail Markets Mean Higher Food Prices?

bullet How Does Fast Food Fare in Urban Areas?

bullet Five a Day?

bullet Why Are Contracts Increasing?

bullet Can We Protect Against Invasive Species?

bullet What Impacts From Diverting Water From Agriculture?

bullet Economics in the Farm Bill Conservation Title?

recent meetings  

bullet High-Value Foods

bullet Issues in Food Assistance

bullet Understanding Market Segmentation

New Releses Weighing in on Obesity cover

bullet A Close Look at WIC

bullet Vertical Coordination

bullet Biotech Adoption Is Rapid, But Results Vary

bullet Weighing In on Obesity

bullet Production Costs and Returns Updated with ARMS Surveys

bullet Examining Exchange Rates

bullet Computer Use and Earnings

bullet The State of Hired Farmworkers

bullet Rural America, Briefly

bullet Commodity Markets and Trade

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