Lead Busters' Logo

Teacher's Guide

What Teachers Should Know Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
About "Adventures of the Lead Busters Club" Key Concepts
Additional Resources Suggestions for Using Activities in this Book
Supplementary Activities -- Music Cooking and Recipes
Teachers' Assessment Letter to Parents/Guardians

What Teachers Should Know About Lead Poisoning

Lead poisoning is a serious but preventable health problem. Lead can cause permanent damage to children -- especially unborn babies and children under six years old, who are generally more sensitive to lead's damaging effects than adults. Lead affects virtually every system in the body. It is particularly harmful to the developing brain and nervous system of young children.

While no amount of lead in the body is safe, the effects of lead depend upon the level of lead in the blood. In children, very high levels can cause deafness, blindness, coma, convulsions, and even death. Moderate levels, too, can harm the brain and nervous system, kidneys, and liver. Even very low levels, which do not cause any obvious symptoms, are associated with decreased intelligence, behavioral problems, decreased growth, impaired hearing, and decreased ability to maintain a steady posture.

Moreover, these problems remain long after childhood. In comparison with children who have not been exposed to lead, children who have been exposed are much more likely to have reading difficulties, poor vocabulary, attention problems, poor fine-motor coordination, greater school absenteeism, and lower class ranking. They are more likely to drop out of high school.

Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in Elementary School Children

Children with lead poisoning may not look or act sick. Even if children do show some signs of lead poisoning, these symptoms can often be mistaken for other illnesses, such as the flu.

Early symptoms may include tiredness or restlessness, headache, stomachache, constipation, irritability, and poor appetite. As more lead accumulates, children may become clumsy and weak, and they may lose skills that they have already learned. More severe symptoms may include vomiting, loss of sight or hearing, and lapses in consciousness (that is, going in and out of consciousness).

Children with lead poisoning may:

  • Fail to finish class assignments
  • Disrupt their classes
  • Perform poorly in school
  • Be unable to tolerate frustration
  • Have problems learning
  • Be easily distracted
  • Need a lot of supervision
  • Have problems with other children
  • Frequently call out in class
  • Have difficulty staying seated
  • Have difficulty concentrating

Children who are NOT lead poisoned may show some of these symptoms from time to time, although usually to a much milder degree. Moreover, many of the symptoms of lead poisoning may also indicate other health conditions or learning and behavior problems. However, if lead poisoning is suspected, the child should be referred to a medical professional for testing.

About " Adventures of the Lead Busters Club"

This book has been written for second grade students. Its goals are to teach them:

This book contains a variety of activities, including reading, writing, discussion (small group or whole class), a board game, drawing, a word search, and a quiz. It is designed to be used by classroom teachers in conjunction with other aspects of the curriculum, such as language arts and science activities. Supplementary material is provided to teachers for related music, cooking, and exercise activities.

Each teacher knows his/her class best and will make appropriate decisions concerning use of this book. Below are some suggestions to consider.

We recommend that teachers not go through the entire book in one session. The book was designed so that the teacher can do two or three pages at a sitting, depending on the time available, the fit with other curricular needs, and class interest and attention.

Although students should have a break (a few hours or even a few days) between the sections, we suggest that the activities be done in the sequence in which they appear. Built-in repetition should serve to review and reinforce the key concepts.

Key Concepts

Sources of Lead Safety Measures That Children Can Take

Additional Resources

Additional information on lead poisoning is available on the Internet from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and many other agencies and organizations.

Suggestions for Using Activities in This Book

  1. Lead in the Neighborhood
    Teachers may choose to read the story to the whole class or to small groups. If children's reading levels are appropriate, they might read the story themselves. The illustrations are designed to serve as visual cues for children who cannot readily read all the words.

    We recommend that all three parts of this story -- identifying lead as a hazard, explaining where lead might be found, and describing actions that children can take to protect themselves -- be covered in one session. We want to ensure that children end with the message that they can help ensure their own safety.

  2. Sherman and the Lead Busters Club Look for Lead
    The story introduces a "find the hidden dangers" picture. Children can do this search activity individually or in small groups or teams. "Let's Talk About It" can be done as a whole class or in small groups, with the teacher monitoring the discussions to be sure the children have understood the messages from the first story. "Let's Think About It" can be an in-class assignment or homework.

  3. Agatha Fights Lead
    This story could be a read-aloud exercise for the whole class or small groups. Alternatively, if only a few children in the class are able to read this material very well, they might be assigned the roles of the story characters and be asked to present/read this story as an impromptu play. "Let's Think About It" can be an in-class assignment or homework.

  4. The Lead Busters' Clubhouse
    The teacher will need to provide coins (pennies or nickels) for tossing and buttons for playing pieces, as well as crayons, colored pencils, pens, or markers for coloring the clubhouse at the end of the game.

    The board game might also be repeated a week or so after the book is completed, to remind students of the key messages. (Teachers might make photocopies of the game for later use if students take the rest of the book home.)

  5. Elisa Saves the Day!
    The focus here is on teaching children how they can help their younger brothers, sisters, cousins, or neighbors to be safe.

    To supplement this activity, the teacher might want to bring in some props to demonstrate how to clean up paint dust: baby powder, flour, or cornstarch to simulate paint dust, a rag, some water, and a bottle of dish detergent. The teacher could remind the children never to touch the paint dust themselves. He/she could then demonstrate what the adult should do: wet a rag, apply some dish detergent, clean up the "dust," and then throw the rag away.

  6. Word Search
    This could be an in-class assignment or homework.

  7. Henry and His Worries
    Although the children need to be cautious about lead, it is important that they not be unduly fearful. "Lead pencils" actually contain graphite, not lead, and paints that have a certification seal are safe to use.

    "Let's Write About It" can be an in-class assignment or homework. The teacher needs to be prepared to answer these questions. If the teacher needs help in answering some of the questions that the children raise, he/she can consult the internet resources listed above or the authors liked in the Credits.

    If the children are not able to do this task as a writing assignment, it could become a discussion instead.

  8. Join the Lead Busters Club Now!
    The teacher might make a real ceremony of this activity. The children can take the pledge as a class or individually. Any children who do not wish to take the pledge should not be forced to do so or penalized in any way.

    As part of the ceremony, all of the students can be given their own copies of the certificate of completion (included below). You may wish to photocopy the certificate with a color printer or onto colored paper.

  9. Healthy Food Quiz
    This quiz is not intended to be graded. Students can complete it individually or all together as a class. Alternatively, students could be divided into teams, with a competition for the group that comes up with the most correct answers. (The answers are printed upside down, so the teacher will have to be sure no one turns the book upside down until the allotted time is up.)

  10. Make a Lead Busters Poster
    Teachers will need to provide pencils, pens, crayons, markers, or paint. Teachers can select the best posters to put up in an appropriate display area. All other posters could be considered "runners up" and acknowledged. The contest could include several classes if the teachers wish.

Supplementary Activities

Music and Movement -- Song " Get the Lead Out Rap"

This song describes how children should wash their hands to prevent lead from getting into their bodies and making them sick.

Key Concepts of Hand Washing

Materials Needed

Preparation Needed



Review Questions

Ask the children the following questions:

Cooking and Recipes

Spoon and Bowl

The following are recipes for snacks that provide calcium, iron, or zinc, elements that may help to protect children from the effects of lead.

Have children do as much of the work on their own as possible, with careful supervision. Offer help as necessary.

Key Concepts

Preparation Needed



Oatmeal Cookie

Oatmeal Rounds

Snacks that provide
calcium, iron, and zinc

Yield: 36 rounds



1 cup oatmeal (quick cooking or instant)
2 cup honey
2 cup nonfat dry milk (instant)
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup raisins or other chopped dried fruit
1 cup wheat germ


  1. Scoop oatmeal out of its box into a 1-cup measuring cup. Pour oatmeal into the large mixing bowl.
  2. Pour nonfat dry milk (instant) from the box into a 2-cup measuring cup. Pour dry milk into the large mixing bowl.
  3. Scoop raisins or other dried fruit from its box into a 1-cup measuring cup. Pour fruit into the large mixing bowl.
  4. Use a large mixing spoon to stir all of these dry ingredients together until well mixed.
  5. Pour honey out of the jar into a 2-cup measuring cup. Pour honey into the large mixing bowl.
Honey & Oatmeal
  1. Scoop out peanut butter from the jar into a 1-cup measuring cup. Scrape peanut butter into the large mixing bowl.
  2. Use a large mixing spoon to stir all of the ingredients together. Mix until all of the ingredients have combined and blended.
  3. Have each child cut out a 12-inch square of wax paper. Have each child scoop out some of the mixture with a teaspoon and place it on the wax paper.
  4. Have each child shape the mixture into a 1-inch ball using his/her spoon.
  5. Pour wheat germ into 1-cup measuring cup. Pour wheat germ into the small bowl. Have each child drop his/her ball into the bowl of wheat germ and roll it around with his/her spoon until the ball is coated.
  6. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Then have the children transfer the ball to the tray lined with wax paper. Cover the cookie sheet with additional wax paper and refrigerate until the snack is served.

Recipe adapted from Supersnacks, a publication of the Connecticut Cooperative Extension System.

Bean Wheel

Mexican Bean Wheels

Snacks that provide iron and zinc
Yield : 12 wheels

Beans and Cheese



¾ cup cooked kidney or pinto beans
3 tablespoons chopped celery
1 tablespoon chopped onion or green pepper
2 teaspoons lowfat mayonnaise or plain yogurt
2 flour tortillas
1 teaspoon vinegar
¼ teaspoon chili powder
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
Optional: tomatoes, lettuce, sliced cheese, green pepper strips


  1. Scoop out cooked kidney or pinto beans into a 1-cup measuring cup. Fill the cup ¾ full. Pour the beans into the mixing bowl.
  2. Mash the beans using metal forks.
  3. Add 3 tablespoons of chopped celery to the beans. Note: Children may be able to chop celery with adult supervision.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of chopped onion or green pepper. Note: Children may be able to cut up onion or green pepper with adult supervision.
  5. Stir all these ingredients together.
  6. Measure 2 teaspoons of lowfat mayonnaise or plain yogurt and add to the bean mixture.
  7. Measure 1 teaspoon of vinegar to the bowl.
  8. Measure ¼ teaspoon of chili powder and 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder and add to the bowl.
  9. Stir all the ingredients together. Mix well.
  10. Place half of the bean mixture on one edge of a tortilla and spread until the whole tortilla is covered with the bean mixture. Roll the tortilla over until it reaches the opposite edge. Insert six toothpicks through the rolled tortilla so it cannot unroll. Cut the tortilla roll into six wheels. Cover with plastic wrap or wax paper and refrigerate until the snack is served.
Optional: The Mexican bean wheels can be served on pieces of lettuce with tomato wedges, cheese slices, or leftover green pepper cut in strips.

Recipe adapted from Making Bag Lunches, Snacks and Desserts Using the Dietary Guidelines (USDA/HNISA H&G Bulletin No. 232-9).

Teacher's Assessment

We would appreciate your comments. Please submit them online or in printed (hardcopy) form to:

Mary-Margaret Gaudio
University of Connecticut
Cooperative Extension System
1800 Asylum Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117-260

Letter to Parents or Guardians

Teachers may wish to send home a letter to parents or guardians to explain what students have been studying and to tell parents or guardians where they might find additional information. See the sample letter.

Adventures of the Lead Busters Club Credits


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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

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