What could it be, Beverly?

Beverly's family

(Click on the pictures or "scroll"
to move through the story)

Beverly lived with her dog Midnight, her dad Ray, her mom Phyllis and her brothers, David and Paul. They loved their house in the piney woods of Hidden Valley.

Midnight loved them all.

Midnight the dog

On warm days Beverly and her brothers would play on the steep hill behind their house. Sometimes when the sun shown down between the tall trees they tossed their sweaters on prickly boughs and built forts

Beverly and family playing on the hill

Beverly and brother digging a hole

or dug tunnels in the soft earth

or played hide and seek. The air in the piney woods was filled with laughter.

family playing hide and seek

a mountaintop

When the air turned sharp and the piney woods wore a blanket of white,

Beverly and her brothers found new games to play. They made puppets from socks.

playing with handpuppets


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