ENDF/B-VI Summary Documentation,
Supplement I: ENDF/HE-VI Summary Documentation
BNL-NCS-17541, 4th Edition, Suppl. I, December 1996

Written by
Victoria McLane and Members of the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group

File Description Size Modified
endf-201.pdf Single file in the pdf format 740.5 kb 2-Nov-2001
endf-201.zip Compressed archive containing 9 PostScript files 332.5 kb 2-Nov-2001

This addendum provides documentation of Releases 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the ENDF/B-VI and ENDF/HE-VI evaluated nuclear data libraries. These releases contain many new and revised evaluations for the neutron, photo-atomic interaction, radioactive decay data, spontaneous fission product yield, neutron-induced fission product yield, thermal neutron scattering, proton, deuteron, and triton sublibraries.

The summaries have been extracted mainly from the ENDF/B-VI File 1 comment sections (MT=451), which have been checked, edited, and may also include supplementary information. Some summaries have been provided by the evaluators in electronic format, while others are extracted from reports on the evaluations. All references have been checked and corrected, or updated where appropriate.

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Michal Herman. Mon April 5 2004