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Limited Access Privilege Program

  • GAO Document
  • Core Principles
  • NMFS Policy - draft document to be posted soon
  • Welcome to the information clearinghouse website for Limited Access Privilege Program - a new website developed in response to recommendations by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's NOAA Fisheries Service regarding improving stakeholder participation in the development of quota-based fishery management programs.

    In 2005, the GAO examined the involvement of stakeholders in the development of limited access privilege programs (LAPPs) by Fishery Management Councils. The GAO found Council practices are consistent with laws related to stakeholder involvement but concluded that opportunities exist for improving the way Councils include and inform stakeholders.

    Using the Policy on Stakeholder Participation as a basis, NOAA Fisheries Service developed this internet-based clearinghouse for information and training materials related to stakeholder participation and LAPPs. This website includes or will include as materials are completed, the following: National Marine Fisheries Service policy on stakeholder involvement in the development of LAPPs, the GAO report, numerous links to resources and useful information about LAPPs, each Council's framework for implementing the policy on stakeholder participation, a toolkit for Council and regional staff engaged in outreach, and primers on various subjects related to LAPPs.

    If you have questions or comments regarding this site or its contents, e-mail us at:

    Current & Expected Future Programs


    The Resources page contains an extensive list of web site links with more information about limited access privileges. Also on the Resources page you will find a link to an exhaustive bibliography on the subject.


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