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TFM S2-01-01 (Released October 2000)

Archived May 31, 2001

The documents below are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF Files. The Acrobat Reader is free to download and install.

This TFM Release is to be included with the previous April 2000 TFM Release S2-00-01. It contains Section IV: USSGL Attributes and Section V crosswalks that were excluded from the April release. Effective dates are noted on the individual Section IV and Section V cover sheets.

Note: Each Excel file is divided into two or more worksheets, or "tabs" (located at the bottom of each file). In order to print the entire Excel file, be sure to select "Entire workbook" in the print menu options.

Transmittal Letter S2-01-01 PDF

Section IV: USSGL Attributes

Section IV Cover Sheet (pg 1)

Attributes Used on the Financial Reports: (pg 2)
WordWord Document PDFPDF

Due to OMB's requiring the use of the streamlined balance sheet by all reporting agencies in FY 2001, FACTS I will not be collecting the Entity/Nonentity and Covered/Not Covered Attributes for FY 2001 reporting.

USSGL Attribute Definitions - Proprietary Accounts (pg 3)  *This revised file replaces the original that was published.
WordWord Document PDFPDF

FACTS I Attribute Table (pp 4-13)  *This revised file replaces the original that was published.
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

Note: Refer to Section V crosswalks for attributes necessary for agency financial statements required by OMB Bulleting 97-01.

Attributes Used on the Budgetary Reports: (pp. 15-16)
WordWord Document PDFPDF

Entity Relationship Diagram (pp. 17-19)

Entity Definitions (pp. 20-29)
WordWord Document PDFPDF

USSGL Attribute Definitions (pp. 30-51)
WordWord Document PDFPDF

USSGL Account Attributes Required for FACTS II Reporting of Detailed Financial Information (pp. 53-61)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

Section V: Crosswalks to Standard External Reports

Section V Cover Sheet (pg 1)

Fiscal 2000 Reporting:

SF 133 Report on Budget Execution (pp. 3-14)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

FMS 2108 Year-End Closing Statement (pp. 15-20A)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

Fiscal 2001 Reporting:

SF 133 Report on Budget Execution (pp. 59-70D)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

FMS 2108 Year-End Closing Statement (pp. 71-76A)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

Program and Financing Schedule (P & F)(FY 2000) (pp. 115-144G)
ExcelExcel PDFPDF

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