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Eligibility Requirements for Health Services From the Indian Health Service

The most common standard applied for eligibility for health services from the Indian Health Service is that the individual is an enrolled member of a Federally recognized Tribe.

The following is part of the Indian Health Service Manual text that sets forth the policies, standards, and procedures for determining those persons who come within the scope of the Indian Health program:

Indian Health Service Manual

Part 2—Services to Indians and Others

Chapter 1—Indians


A person may be regarded as within the scope of the Indian Health program if he is not otherwise excluded therefrom by provision of law, and:

A. Is of Indian and/or Alaska Native descent as evidenced by one or more of the following factors:

    (1) Is regarded by the community in which he lives as an Indian or Alaska Native;

    (2) Is a member, enrolled or otherwise, or an Indian or Alaska Native Tribe or Group under Federal supervision;

    (3) Resides on tax-exempt land or owns restricted property;

    (4) Actively participates in tribal affairs;

    (5) Any other reasonable factor indicative of Indian descent, or

B. Is an Indian of Canadian or Mexican origin recognized by any Indian tribe or group as a member of an Indian community served by the Indian Health program; or

C. Is a non-Indian woman pregnant with an eligible Indian's child for the duration of her pregnancy through post partum (usually 6 weeks); or

D. Is a non-Indian member of an eligible Indian's household and the medical officer in charge determines that services are necessary to control a public health hazard or an acute infectious disease which constitutes a public health hazard.

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This file last modified:   Thursday March 7, 2002  8:05 AM