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Doppler Winds Experiment

Principle Investigators :

John Gamache (HRD)

Team Members :
Joe Griffin (HRD)
Nancy Griffin (HRD)
Peter Dodge (HRD)
Frank Marks (HRD)

Collaborators :
David Parrish (NOAA/NCEP/EMC)
Jim Purser (NOAA/NCEP/EMC)
Contacts :
Colin McAdie (NOAA/NCEP/TPC)
Alan Goldstein (NOAA/AOC)

Objectives :

To analyze airborne Doppler radar observations for the following purposes:

  1. To send a hurricane wind field to TPC in real time from the P-3s
  2. To send intelligent local averages (a.k.a. superobs) of Doppler radial velocities to NCEP/EMC in real time from either the P-3 or the Gulfstream-IV aircraft


  1. Feb. 1, 2003 - Modify/develop software to read data in present AOC format into Gamache interpolation software
  2. Feb. 1, 2004 - Modify/develop software to compress HRD wind analyses for sending over satellite data stream
  3. Feb. 1, 2004 - Develop software to remove noise, data with unacceptable spectral width, and reflectivity of the ocean surface, from the radar data stream. Agree with EMC about structure/nature of prototype superobs to be sent for assimilation of data
  4. Mar. 2004 - Present results at the Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
  5. Apr. 1, 2004 - Develop and/or modify, and then incorporate, an automatic dealiasing scheme
  6. May 15, 2004 - First year annual report and renewal proposal
  7. Jun. 1, 2004 - Test automatic data-cleanup/interpolation/synthesis software using cases already cleaned up and analyzed by human analysts and compare with their research wind fields. Concurrently test-run software on the workstation that will operate on P-3 aircraft. Develop software on airborne workstation that will construct superobs from radar data stream. Develop communication software that will send compressed analyses/superobs through the aircraft network/satellite communication system
  8. Jul. 2004 - Install workstation aboard aircraft
  9. Aug.-Oct. 2004 - Produce real-time Doppler analyses automatically aboard aircraft during 2004 Hurricane Season

References :
Semiannual JHT report on project

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Last modified: 12/15/2003

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