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Data Set MGG 06105001

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MGG id: 06105001
Institution: U.S. Geological Survey-Corpus Christi
Title: BLM/OCS/South Texas Project
Report: OCS/South Texas
Dataset Id: G02888
Authors: Henry Berryhill
Ships: Kana Keoki
Cruises: multiple, BLM-STG 001-274, OCS G001-G274, OCS-B016-G273, OCS-W107-246B
Areas: Western Gulf of Mexico, Texas
Funding: BLM
Project: OCS/SO Texas
Cruise dates: October 26-December 21, 1974
Devices: 264 grabs, 264 suspended sediment
Analyses: 264 organic geochemistry, 264 grain size, 264 inorganic geochemistry, 74 clay mineralogy
Formats: digital. not in 073 database - errors in total weight %
#Pages Paper:
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For more information about this data set, please contact Ms. Robin Warnken, , phone: 303-497-6338, fax: 303-497-6513, mailing address National Geophysical Data Center, E/GC3, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO USA 80305-3328.