Fossil Plankton Stratigraphies Database 1 : README file NGDC Data Set # 1022 obtained from: U.S. Department of Commerce National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) ( & collocated World Data Center for Marine Geology & Geophysics data also available from World Data Center Paleoclimatology _______________________________________________________________________ NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THESE DATA _______________________________________________________________________ CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. William Ruddiman, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory NAME OF DATA SET: Fossil Plankton Stratigraphies (file 1) (NGDC # 1022) LAST UPDATE: 3/92 (last receipt by WDC-A MGG) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: to 1,600,000 YBP DATA VOLUME: approximately 1.5 mbytes MGG IDENTIFIER: MGG01995007 LIST OF FILES README (this file), *.ful (32 full count files), *.qck (3 quick count files), *.sst (31 files of sst interpretations) SUMMARY Data include foraminifer census counts and sea surface temperature estimates derived from marine sediment cores from the north Atlantic Ocean. Documentation for the faunal data is at the end of this README.faunal1 file. Documentation for the SST data is in file README.sst. The data set includes counts by Dr.'s Ruddiman, Kellogg, and Sancetta. The readme files contain complete documentation of the formats, counting methods, and SST transfer functions. Data files with extension .ful are full foram count files, those with file extension .qck are quick foram count files (this README file) and the .sst files contain sea surface temperature estimates. All cores are from the middle to high-latitude N Atlantic Ocean (40o-65oN). A few extend back only to 20,000 yrs, most span the last 100,000- 300,000 yrs, and 3 cover the last 1,600,000 yrs. Average count spacing is 5-20 cm, or time steps averaging 5,000-10,000 yrs. All are counts made between 1969-1990 of the planktonic foraminiferal population larger than 149 microns. The majority counts are larger than 300 individuals; some range as low as 100. ORIGINAL REFERENCES (Transfer function equations used to estimate sea-surface temperature in the mid to high latitude North Atlantic). AOF13 N.G. Kipp(1975). New transfer function for estimating past sea-surface conditions from sea-bed distribution of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the North Atlantic. Memoir 145, Geological Society of America. AOF13B-4CE W.F. Ruddiman, L.K. Glover(1975). Subpolar North Atlantic circulation at 9,300 yr BP: Faunal evidence. Quaternary Research 5, 361-389. AOF13X5 W.F. Ruddiman, A. Esmay(1986). A streamlined foraminiferal transfer function for the subpolar North Atlantic. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol XCIV. AVAILABILITY Data are available at no charge from NGDC's Web server. WDC Paleoclimatology Technical Contact: Dr. David Anderson NOAA/NGDC E/GC 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 USA phone: 303-497-6237 fax: 303-497-6513 FAUNAL COUNT DOCUMENTATION FROM LDEO Notes on foraminiferal census counts and sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates in late-Pleistocene cores from the North Atlantic Ocean: 29 cores from the labs of W.F. Ruddiman, 2 cores from T. Kellogg, and 3 cores from C. Sancetta (%'s only). All cores are from the middle to high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean (40o-65oN). A few extend back only to 20,000 yrs, most span the last 100,000-300,000 yrs, and 3 cover the last 1,600,000 yrs. Average count spacing is 5-20 cm, or time steps averaging 5,000-10,000 yrs. All are counts made between 1969-1990 of the planktonic foraminiferal population larger than 149 microns. The majority counts are larger than 300 individuals; some range as low as 100. low as 100. The foraminiferal taxonomy evolved through time, but with minimal impact on transfer-function SST estimates. In the early counting (prior to 1975), the taxonomy of A. Be (1967) was followed, with a more restricted recognition of Globigerina falconensis ( relative to Globigerina bulloides) and of Globigerina calida ( relative to Globigerinella aequilateralis) than the later counting done in closer cooperation with N. Kipp of CLIMAP. Prior to 1973 all G. falconensis were lumped with G. bulloides. The Ruddiman lab also differs from CLIMAP in not recognizinbg a "p/d intergrade form between Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, (all p/d intergrade are lumped with N. pachyderma dextral), and in using a seperate SST transfer function (AOF13B-4CE published in Ruddiman, Glover, 1975). North of 45oN these distinctions do not figure prominently in census counts or SST estimates due to the scarcity today (and in colder glacial climates) of the temperate species G. aequilateralis, N. dutertrei, and G. falconensis. Under- representation of these species (especially G. falconensis) in the few cores south of 45oN may make SST estimates from the pre-1976 counting interval slightly too cool, particularly during interglacial climates. Counting techniques also evolved. Prior to the fall of 1975, counts were made along diagonal grids of a circular counting tray until suitable numbers were obtained. Full-aligqot census counts were made during and after 1975. Comparison of counts from these two stages indicates some statistical tendency to over-representation of G. bulloides and Globorotalia inflata in the earlier counts, and under-representation of Globigerina quinqueloba and Globigerina glutinata. There is, however, no systematic effect of counting technique on transfer-function SST estimates, in part because the key species in SST estimates (N. pachyderma sinistral) was comparably abundant in all types of counts, and in part because over-represented and under-represented species had similar temperature tolerances. Planktonic Foraminifera count formats all files will be headed core i.d. or DSDP site or hole, lat and long (in degs and mins), water depth (in meters) appropriate transfer function (equation to use to estimate sea-surface temperature). (a10,i5,f5.1,1x,a1,15,f5.1,1x,a1,i6,1x,a10) full count; 4 records per sample record 1: core i.d. or DSDP sample i.d., depth (cm), total # counted, total abundance (# plank foram > 149u per gram sed (blank when none available)), case (for conditions of count), core type code, faunal code, record # (a12,f8.1,a5,a10,2x,a3,32x,2a1,5x,a1) record 2: core i.d. and depth (rounded or truncated to whole number) or DSDP sample i.d., first 15 species, core type code, faunal code, record # (a12,15a4,2a1,5x,a1) record 3: core i.d. and depth or DSDP sample i.d., next 15 spp., core type code, faunal code, record # (a12,15a4,2a1,5x,a1) record 4: core i.d. and depth or DSDP sample i.d., last 15 spp., core type code, faunal code, record # (a12,15a4,2a1,5x,a1) species of full counts record 2 1 Orbulina universa 2 Globigerinoides conglobatus 3 Globigerinoides ruber pink 4 Globigerinoides ruber white 5 G. ruber total 6 Globigerinoides tenellus 7 Globigerinoides sacculifer no sac 8 Globigerinoides sacculifer with sac 9 G. sacculifer total 10 Sphaeroidinella dehiscens 11 Globigerinella adamsi 12 Globegerinella aequilateralis 13 Globigerina calida 14 Globigerina bulloides 15 Globigerina falconensis record 3 16 Globigerina digitata 17 Globigerina rubescens 18 Globigerina humilis 19 Globigerina quinqueloba 20 Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral 21 Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral plus P/D intergrade (if any) 22 Neogloboquadrina dutertrei 23 Globoquadrina conglomerata 24 Globoquadrina hexagona 25 Pulleniatina obliqueloculata 26 Globorotalia inflata 27 Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral 28 Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral 29 Globorotalia crassaformis 30 N.pachy.dext./N.duter. intergrade (note Ruddiman counts: P/D intergrade lumped with N.pachy. dext.; this field will always be blank) record 4 31 Globorotalia hirsuta 32 Globorotalia scitula 33 Globorotalia anfracta 34 Globorotalia menardii menardii 35 Globorotalia tumida 36 Globorotalia menardii flexuosa 37 G. men/tum total 38 Candeina nitida 39 Globigerinita glutinata 40 Globigerinita iota 41 Globigerinita bradyi 42 Globorotalia pumilio 43 Hastigerina pelagica 44 Hastigerinella digitata 45 other/unidentified Quick count (transfer function f13x5 type): 1 record per sample record 1: core i.d. or DSDP sample i.d., depth (cm), total # counted, total abundance (# plank foram > 149u per gram sed), case, 4 species plus all others combined, core type code, faunal code (a12,f8.1,a5,a10,2x,a3,5a4,12x,2a1) f13x5 quick count species 1 Globigerinoides ruber white 2 Globigerina bulloides 3 Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral 4 Globorotalia inflata 5 all other species combined Codes core type; P=piston, H=DSDP hydrolic piston, K=Kastens box core faunal type; F=planktonic foraminifera DSDP sample i.d.; hole,core,section,section depth(cm) (a4,a1,1x,a2,i4) ship; RC: Robert Conrad, V: Vema, K: Kane, CHK: Charcot, RE: Rehobeth, LK: Lord Kelvin Notes most variables are written in 'a' format so that 1) if do not have total abundance - data field will be blank to indicate that it does not exist. 2) if a species count is zero will be written as a blank rather than 0 (makes file easier to look at without all the zero's). Case descriptions; conditions of count. R1) Late '69 to ~ early '73 Maryland counts. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counter -- Ruddiman count method -- scan -- target # to count was 250 notes on tax 1) N. pachy. dextral/N.duter. integrade lumped with N. pachy. dext. 2) G. falc. lumped with G. bulloides. R2) Mid '70's Maryland counts. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counter -- Ruddiman count method -- scan -- target # to count was 250 case 1 counts were rescanned for G. facl only; Be's tax. the original counts were then altered by subtracting the G. facl. number from G. bulloides and adding G. falc to the count. R3) '73 to july '75 Maryland counts. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counter -- Ruddiman count method -- scan -- target # to count was 250 notes on tax 1) P/D intergrade lumped with N. pachy. dext. 2) G. falc. now counted and not lumped with G. bull. tax.: Be's more restrictive criteria R4) Sept. '75 to spring '76 Maryland counts. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counter -- Ruddiman count method -- split -- target # to count was > 300 recounts of cases 1, 2 and 3 levels and some new levels. 1) P/D intergrade lumped with N. pachy. dext. R5) Late '76 to '80 LDGO. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counters -- Ronnie Hunt, Susan B. [will find this persons last name] count method -- split -- target # to count was > 300 1) P/D intergrade lumped with N. pachy. dext. some levels in some cores were recounted solely for total abundance. the history of the sample was unknown, hence, abundance was calculated by weighting the remaining sample, taking a split, counting it to find #/ gram coarse fraction (>149u), then multipling it by fraction coarse fracton(g)/total sample(g) to find #/gram sediment wt orig. total abundance plk foram= # counted coarse frat. (>149u/gram sedimnt) ------------------ X -------------- total wt. X count total wt. samp in vial split orig. samp. R6) '81 to '89 LDGO lab. type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE counters -- Joanne Chaplek, Joanne Munkelt count method -- split -- target # to count was > 300 1) P/D intergrade lumped with N. pachy. dext. cores recently sampled may have total abundance data calculated by taking a known split of original sample. total abundance plk foram= # counted (>149u/gram sedimnt) ----------------------------- total wt. X count X frat. of orig. samp. split orig. samp. R7) Mid to late '80's Ruddiman LDGO lab. type of count -- quick count suited to transfer function AOF13X5 counter -- Joanne Munkelt count method -- split -- target # to count > 300 cores recently sampled may have total abundance data calculated by taking a known split of original sample. total abundance plk foram= # counted (>149u/gram sedimnt) ----------------------------- total wt. X count X frat. of orig. samp. split orig. samp. K1) Thomas Kellogg, University of Maine, Orono type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13 or, if P/D intergrade is added to N. pachy. d., AOF13B-4CE counter -- T. Kellogg count method -- split -- target # to count > 300 1) unlike Ruddiman, Kellogg does not lump P/D intergrade with N. pachy. dext. 2) all Kellogg counts have total abundance plk foram/gm sed. S1) Constance Sancetta, while at Brown University, early to mid '70's type of count -- full count suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE the values are not the original counts but percents of total. they may be read as percents in f4.2 but for transfer function use the above full count format that reads them in i4. counter -- C. Sancetta count method -- split -- target # to count > 300 1) as presented here, are the same as Ruddiman's R4 or R5. Transfer Functions; equations used to estimate sea-surface temperature in the mid to high latitude North Atlantic. AOF13 N.G. Kipp(1975). New transfer function for estimating past sea-surface conditions from sea-bed distribution of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the North Atlantic. Memoir 145, Geological Society of America. AOF13B-4CE W.F. Ruddiman, L.K. Glover(1975). Subpolar North Atlantic circulation at 9,300 yr BP: Faunal evidence. Quaternary Research 5, 361-389. AOF13X5 W.F. Ruddiman, A. Esmay(1986). A streamlined foraminiferal transfer function for the subpolar North Atlantic. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol XCIV. Ruddiman, Kellogg and Sancetta sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates. all files will be headed core i.d. or DSDP site or hole, lat and long (degs and mins), water depth (m), transfer function (equation used to estimate sea-surface temperature). (a10,i5,f5.1,1x,a1,15,f5.1,1x,a1,i6,1x,a10) temperatures; 1 record per sample core i.d. or DSDP sample i.d., depth (cm), SST (warm/summer/august)(oC), and SST (cold,winter,february)(oC). (a12,f8.1,2f10.1) The following applies to counts done by Dr. Sancetta: The counts for these samples no longer exist, numbers in the file are really percents without the decimal points and can be read as percents by using the format f4.2. This is why the total count fields for these samples are blank. However, for estimating temperature using transfer functions, they can be read using the same format used by other counts. When Dr. Sancetta's data are used in combination with Dr. Ruddiman's actual counts, they must be read in i4 format. Please see additiona notes about the new S1 and K1 cases. Cores V23-81s, V23-82s, and RC9_228s are counts by Dr. Sancetta. Dr. Sancetta's counts for V23-82 were done at Brown University in the early 1970's. All counts are the same type; suited to transfer function AOF13B-4CE. The Sancetta counts were coded with case=S1. File compq.dat is a composite of holes 607 and 607A and V30-97 spliced on top. the header pertains to site 607 only (not v30-97). the depth is not measured DSDP sub-bottom depth but a composite depth resulting from splicing 607A into 607 core breaks.