2004/01/20 NOAA Fisheries Oceanographer Wins Hoskins Award


NOAA Fisheries

Oceanographer Wins

Hoskins Award




Teri Frady, NOAA
508 495-2239


NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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Woods Hole, Mass. – James P. Manning, a career oceanographer at NOAA Fisheries’ Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), has been recognized by his colleagues for scientific achievement and community service with the Judith Brennan-Hoskins Award.

Mr. Manning was recognized for his sustained contributions to understanding how oceanographic factors influence marine life on the Northeast continental shelf.

In addition, Manning has instituted several partnership research projects that put oceanographic instrumentation to practical use. He worked with volunteers responding to sea turtle cold-stunning events on Cape Cod to better track water temperatures, with lobstermen interested in linking bottom water temperatures to catches, and with the U.S. Coast Guard to put water temperature probes on navigational buoys in areas where these data were not collected before.

Manning’s efforts to bring those who create models for use in understanding ocean circulation together with researchers who use the models were also singled out by colleagues. These efforts have resulted in discussions among the group on how to best compare model performance for different applications.

Manning has been active in local schools, with career days and the Falmouth Public School Science Fair. He enlisted college students at Southern Maine Community college to assist with design and construction of the inexpensive drifters used in and expansion of the lobster project.

Manning is a graduate of the University of Maine and the University of Rhode Island and has been at the NEFSC since 1987. He lives in Falmouth with his wife, Robin, and their three children.

The Hoskins Award was established in 1979, and is given to a permanent staff member who exemplifies the dedication and service to both science and the scientific community demonstrated by the award’s namesake. Ms. Hoskins was a promising young NEFSC scientist who died suddenly, and for whom the award is a memorial. Since its inception, it has been awarded 12 times.

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