NOAA Fisheries Seeks Marine Habitat Science Partners 2003/07/23 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Marine Habitat Science Partners


NOAA Fisheries

Seeks Marine Habitat

Science Partners





Earl Meredith, NOAA
978 281-9276

Teri Frady, NOAA
508 495-2239


NMFS Northeast Region

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$2 Million Research Initiative Announced

Gloucester, Mass. -- The NOAA Fisheries Cooperative Research Partners Initiative (CRPI) is seeking proposals for projects under a new $2 million marine habitat research initiative. The program has been developed in close cooperation with the New England Fishery Management Council's Research Steering Committee. The CRPI encourages research partnerships among commercial fishermen, scientists, fishery managers and academics. Proposals are due by August 8.

"This is another great opportunity for fishermen and scientists to collaborate on developing research that is needed for fisheries management," said Patricia Kurkul, NOAA Fisheries Northeast Regional Administrator. "I'm looking forward to many good proposals," she added.

Public meetings were held during May in Portland, Maine and New Bedford, Massachusetts to work with interested people on directions for the new program. "The meetings showed that fishermen and scientists are intensely interested in ongoing cooperative research," said Earl Meredith, NOAA Fisheries project manager for the CRPI program. "They were well attended, and discussion focused on varied issues surrounding marine habitat research," he said. "I expect we will get extremely useful new work as a result."

Project emphasis should be on marine habitat research, essential fish habitat, or human-induced influences affecting the distribution or abundance of northeast groundfish such as cod, haddock, and flounders. Operations are limited to New England and Mid-Atlantic marine waters. As with prior CRPI projects, research teams should involve both fishermen and scientists in aspects of the work. Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions are encouraged to develop proposals. A full explanation of project and proposal requirements, and eligibility can be found here:

Proposals will be evaluated through the NEFMC Research Steering Committee and recommendations for funding made to the NOAA Fisheries Regional Administrator. Funds will be awarded during September. Questions on the objectives or preparation of research proposals should be addressed to Nick Anderson at (978) 281-9383. Questions related to contracting or cost issues should be directed to the Eastern Administrative Support Center, Attention: Michelle Morales at

Since 2000, NOAA Fisheries' CRPI has funded 25 short-term research projects through annual competition totaling $5 million, and three long- term research projects at over $5 million. More than 300 fishermen have participated in the program either through scoping meetings or as partners in field research.

NOAA Fisheries is dedicated to protecting and preserving our nation's living marine resources through scientific research, management, enforcement, and the conservation of marine mammals and other protected marine species and their habitat. To learn more about NOAA Fisheries, please visit

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