Trawl Survey Website Established -- September 24, 2002 2002/09/24 Trawl Survey Website Established

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Site Gives

Updates and Background

on Trawl Surveys

Teri Frady
PH: (508) 495-2239
FAX: 508 495-2258


NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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Woods Hole, Mass. -- NOAA Fisheries has established a web site to provide updates and information on activities underway to address the recent discovery of offset 50 meter marks on cables used to tow sampling gear in the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's groundfish surveys. The site is updated regularly, and presently includes information describing the cable marking problem, the experimental design for a trawl observation cruise being conducted September 25-27, 2002, announcement of a workshop on trawl warp effects and fishing gear performance scheduled for October 2-3, 2002, and relevant background information.

NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service * 166 Water Street * Woods Hole, MA * 02543
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(Modified Nov. 24 2004)