NOAA Fisheries Science Center Director Wins Presidental Award -- November 8, 2001 2001/11/08 Science Center Director Wins Presidential Award

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Michael Sissenwine

Wins Meritorious Presidential

Rank Award

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NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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Woods Hole, Mass. – Dr. Michael Sissenwine, director of NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center, has been awarded the Meritorious Presidential Rank Award for outstanding leadership and service. Sissenwine and other winners received their awards from President George W. Bush at a ceremony recently at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.

The Meritorious Presidential Rank Award is the highest award a senior executive in government can receive. Sissenwine was cited for increasing the scientific credibility, relevance, and responsiveness of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. The award announcement also noted he has been an influential scientific leader in international fishery management and in the effort to apply a precautionary approach to the management of living marine resources.

"His efforts have spearheaded changes in the direction of research for our nation's living marine resources," the presidential rank announcement stated. "He is the architect of the National Marine Fisheries Service's most important scientific status reports, which serve as ‘report cards' on the nation's stewardship of living marine resources.

"Dr. Sissenwine's efforts have been highly instrumental in promoting recent successes in restoring overfished stocks in New England," the award announcement noted.

Sissenwine has published more than one hundred scientific publications and reports. He became a senior executive in 1990 when he served as senior scientist for NOAA's NMFS Headquarters, where he provided leadership for a scientific staff of nearly 2,000. He served as senior scientist until 1996 when he became director of the NMFS's Northeast Fisheries Science Center. As center director, Sissenwine leads a staff of nearly 300 working at four major research laboratories (Woods Hole, Mass.; Narragansett, R.I.; Milford, Conn.; and Sandy Hook, New Jersey).

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