Marine Fisheries and Mariculture Revenues Top $1.1 Billion in Northeast Coastal States -- August 3, 2001 2001/08/03 Northeast Fisheries and Mariculture Top $1.1 Billion

Commercial Fisheries and Mariculture

Revenues for Northeast

Coastal States Surpass

$1.1 Billion in 2000

Teri Frady
Chief of Research Communications
(508) 495-2239


NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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Gloucester, Mass.- Commercial fishing and marine aquaculture operations from Virginia to Maine posted a record $1.106 billion from combined sales of fish and shellfish in 2000. Maine retained its first place rating among northeastern states for total revenue. New Bedford is still the top revenue-generating port. American lobster retains its top spot as most valuable species.

These preliminary numbers were released today by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), an agency of the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

A summary of the revenue and harvest data and the data themselves are available here.

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