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XV. Brenda Schick, Ph.D.

Brenda Schick, Ph.D., University of Colorado, utilized a straightforward brochure to explain her research on "How ASL Skills Affect a Child's Theory of Mind," in order to recruit children in families who are deaf. The brochure outlined the need for the research and how it was being conducted. It used pictures to help clarify the text. The brochure included information about the researchers, who were connected to deaf culture. In her experience, this approach increased ease of communication with parents. Dr. Schick emphasized the importance of involving deaf people from the outside to review her research forms and processes. Role-playing was used to train deaf people who worked directly with the deaf participants in the required aspects of a properly informed consent.

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National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008