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GLERL Major Scientific Accomplishments and Products

Since its inception in 1975, GLERL's research has produced a vast array of new information, scientific studies, and resource management tools which have had major impact, use, or significance for the Great Lakes and/or coastal marine areas of the Nation. Our most significant and lasting accomplishments are summarized here, more or less chronologically starting with the most recent:

  • COMPLETED a Nearshore Hydrodynamics Program study of the harbor and nearshore area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to better understand how nearshore processes contributed to the 1993 contamination of the Milwaukee drinking water supply by a massive overload of Cryptosporidium, which caused over 100 deaths, and illness in over 400,000 Milwaukee residents. In collaboration with scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Wisconsin DNR, this research showed that the probability of the municipal water intake in Lake Michigan being within the plume of outflowing Milwaukee Harbor water, the source of the 1993 Cryptosporidium contamination, can be minimized by simply relocating the intake by less than a mile. As a result, the city is moving their water intake.

  • QUANTIFIED the occurrence and causes of high speed bottom currents that occur in Lake Champlain. These currents cause frequent episodes of bottom sediment resuspension and transport, making toxic contaminants attached to the sediment particles repeatedly available to lake water. This has become an important factor in planning for water quality restoration in the lake basin.

  • CONDUCTED a multi-year study to document the progression and scope of ecosystem alterations in the Great Lakes caused by the zebra mussel, including the extirpation of native mussel populations, changes in the pathways of contaminant cycling and fate, seasonal changes in water quality that promoted extensive bottom weed regrowth, and the on-set of toxic algal blooms. GLERL's comprehensive research showed that the ecosystem in 1990 was based on productivity predominantly occurring in the water column, i.e., the system functioned via food and energy transfer through a pelagic food web. Once the zebra mussel became widely established, the system changed to a benthic (bottom) dominated system in which most of the productivity occurs in the benthic regime. This was caused by zebra mussels stripping food resources from the water column, which were then reintroduced as organic detritus directly to the benthic area. Details of our major research findings through 1994 may be found in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol. 21 (No. 4), 411 - 573 (1995). This remains the most comprehensive examination of the ecological changes brought about by the North American zebra mussel invasion, and has provided a basis for understanding changes in local fisheries, nuisance growths of aquatic weeds, and blooms of algae, some toxic, that are or have affected recreational uses of the most heavily invaded areas

  • PARTICIPATED in planning and conducting NOAA's Nutrient-Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity [NECOP] Program. This research showed definitively that nutrient loads derived from fertilizer usage in the Mississippi River drainage basin cause, or at least greatly exacerbate, the well-documented occurrences of bottom water hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. Sedimentary records showed that major ecological changes began in the 1930s and have continued to the present.

  • AN OPERATIONAL prototype Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System for Lake Erie was implemented by GLERL and Ohio State University (OSU) in 1992. Since 1994, the system has produced daily maps of water surface temperature, water level, and currents for the lake. It is under continuing development.

  • PROVIDED improved hydrologic and water resources forecast models and lake levels prediction models for the entire Great Lakes hydrologic system, in support of lake-level regulation responsibilities of the International Joint Commission and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

  • BUILT a world class environmental radiotracer program that has developed advanced sediment geochronology techniques to assess past environmental impacts (retrospective analyses, or forensic geochemistry) in aquatic ecosystems. This technique has been, or is presently being applied to reconstructing the environmental history at several Great Lakes sites, and sites in Florida Bay and the Everglades, in Lake Coeur D'Alene (Idaho), in Terrace Lake (Colorado), and in the 1993 Midwest Flood area of the Mississippi Basin. In several cases, the information generated and documented by the techniques developed under this program have been used to demonstrate the origins of environmental damages caused decades ago.

  • TRANSFERRED the Great Lakes Wave Model, a product of our physical limnology research, to the National Weather service for operational use in the Great Lakes region. The GLERL model greatly improved the accuracy of the NWS wave forecasts, and is a primary basis for NWS forecasts and warnings to boaters of expected dangerous wave conditions on the lakes.

  • DEVELOPED and computerized a trajectory model for use by the NOAA HazMat Office to make hazardous materials and oil spill trajectory forecasts in the Great Lakes. This model has also been used by the U.S. Coast Guard to help direct search and rescue operations on the lakes.

  • DOCUMENTED the effects of top-down predation on the Lake Michigan food chain that influenced fisheries management decisions in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the early 1980s, alewife abundance declined due to severe winters and overpredation by salmon. This dramatic decline in planktivory allowed populations of large bodied zooplankton to increase, leading to greater predation on phytoplankton and subsequent decreased phytoplankton abundance and increased water clarity. The increases in water clarity were among the largest changes observed in Lake Michigan over the previous forty years. At the same time, these marked top-down effects on the food chain alerted fisheries management agencies to the possibility that Lake Michigan could not sustain the high level of salmonid planting that was occurring. Subsequently, a collapse of the salmonid fishery occurred and salmonid stocking rates were reduced.

  • PIONEERED the use of sediment traps in the Great Lakes. With the introduction and use of sediment traps, great strides were made in studies to understand the deposition and cycling of contaminants in the lakes. It was these studies that showed that lake sediments are major repositories for many toxic chemicals and that the recycling of these sediments into the water column, especially during winter, is greatly lengthening the time required to eliminate key toxics from the water column and food chain.

  • CONDUCTED research and developed nutrient models during the late 1970s that advanced our understanding of nutrient dynamics in the Great Lakes and led to better nutrient management decisions for the control of phosphorus. One outcome of the new information and understanding developed through these models was a decision by the USEPA NOT to proceed with a proposed lowering of allowable phosphorus levels in sewage effluents, which would have added an estimated $7 billion to the cost of upgrading sewage treatment facilities in the Great Lakes basin.

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Last updated May 13, 2002 mbl