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Risky business highlighted in symposium

Contact: Nancy Ambrosiano, nwa@lanl.gov, (505) 667-0471 (04-294)

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 21, 2007 — Experts to Meet on Risk Analysis in Homeland Security and Defense

Humans make daily decisions based on their personal understanding of the risks involved, and it's logical next step that this mental system of weights and balances evolve into a science. Emergency plans, homeland security, and national defense can all be deployed more effectively once the various risks are assessed and documented in a rational fashion.

Los Alamos National Laboratory is hosting its second annual symposium on “Risk Analysis in Homeland Security and Defense: Theory and Application,” March 26-28 at the La Fonda Hotel on the Plaza in Santa Fe. The keynote speaker is Robert B. Stephan, Assistant Secretary of Infrastructure Protection, Department of Homeland Security.

“Risk-informed decision making is a key element of NNSA's Complex 2030 transformation strategy,” said Rich Strittmatter of Safeguards and Security Systems (N-4). “Opportunities to explore leveraging advances in risk science to the Laboratory's approach to balancing operational and security objectives should be aggressively pursued. The Risk Symposium 2007: Risk Analysis for Homeland Security and Defense offers an opportunity to pursue this objective.”

The symposium is designed “for those interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of statistical modeling, complex systems analysis, risk analysis, and risk-based decision making in homeland security,” said Donald.

The event will bring together a wide audience of theoreticians, modelers, data analysts, domain experts, and decision makers from universities, industry, and government to share their knowledge and ideas on the current state-of-the-art in risk analysis and risk-based decision-making.

Read more about the event at http://risk.lanl.gov online.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, a team composed of Bechtel National, the University of California, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and Washington Group International for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.

Los Alamos enhances national security by ensuring the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction, and solving problems related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security concerns.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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